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Sinovac Vaccine Meets Legal Aspects


By: Tasya Camila )*

The community has been waiting for the corona vaccine so that the pandemic will end quickly. They do not need to doubt their status, because the Sinovac vaccine that will be imported by the government is halal for MUI. So that people will want to be immunized and get immunity from the covid-19 virus attack.

Corona immunization is planned to be given by the government in December or January. Because there are so many vaccines imported, for all Indonesian citizens, it takes time to get them from outside. The government is also preparing an immunization plan carefully, such as giving priority and provision of facilities, so that it will run smoothly.

The public does not need to worry about the halal aspects of the Sinovac vaccine. According to Penny K Lukito, Head of BPOM, this vaccine has met the requirements to get a halal label and according to the aspects of good medicine. The aspect of the halal level has also been examined by the MUI. Vaccine inspection is not only carried out by MUI, but also Biofarma and BPOM.

Penny added that the Sinovac vaccine is currently in phase III clinical trials in Bandung. In addition, MUI is in the process of discussing the Covid-19 vaccine fatwa at the national meeting (munas), 25-27 November 2020. So it is only a matter of time for the MUI fatwa to be issued regarding the halalness of the Sinovac vaccine and its socialization to the public.

This socialization is very important because MUI and ulama play a lot in the success of corona immunization. They have the power to invite the Muslim community to want to be vaccinated because it has halal status. So that when all Indonesian citizens have been immunized against the corona, there will be mass immunity and the Covid-19 pandemic could end soon.

So far, there have been obstacles from anti-vaccines, aka anti-vaccines, who insist on not wanting to get any injection, from BCG immunization, typhoid, hepatitis, to Covid-19. Their reason is because immunization is haram, because it is made from ingredients made from pork. There is indeed a stabilizer that turns out to be made from pork gelatin, so there is a non-halal vaccine.

However, so far the vaccines that enter Indonesia have been confirmed as halal, because the government understands that most Indonesian citizens are Muslims. Moreover, the corona vaccine, which in fact must be injected into everyone, so it must have a halal status. MUI has also guaranteed it, so they don’t have to worry about the status of the vaccine.

The halal status of the vaccine made by Sinovac was obtained because none of the ingredients contained pork gelatin. Usually the substance is replaced with beef gelatin, so that it is completely halal and ready to be injected. Do not antivaxists accuse all vaccines as haram, including those made by Sinovac, because they do not trust the government.

Corona immunization is also mandatory because in a pandemic situation this vaccine cannot be replaced by other ingredients. If someone insists on using herbs such as ginger and other rhizomes, their function is only to increase stamina, not to replace vaccines. Do not also believe in hoaxes and overclaims by supplement sellers who are said to replace vaccines.

Apart from that, antivax also cannot reason that there is herd immunity, aka environmental immunity. Because during a pandemic, immunity like this is impossible. The reason is that the covid-19 virus can be transmitted through stuffy and dirty air. So that when we are outdoors and we come into contact with OTG, we can easily catch it, if the body doesn’t get the vaccine.

Don’t anyone else refuse to be immunized against corona on the grounds that it is not halal, because the MUI has guaranteed its halalness. During the manufacturing process Sinovac vaccine has also been fully monitored by MUI, so it is certain that it does not contain pork gelatin. The public can be relieved because they will get a corona vaccine that is halal and their bodies are safe from corona.

)* The author is a United Muslim Millennial contributor

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