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Society Rejects KAMI Existence


By: Dodik Prasetyo ) *

KAMI existence has increasingly disturbed the public with its controversial statements and received public rejection . They also supported the omnibus law demonstrations and influenced the people to join the demonstrations. Even though we know that holding demonstrations during a pandemic is strictly prohibited, because it could be a place for corona transmission.

After 2 months of being founded, the coalition for action to save Indonesia (WE) has not shown any achievements. The promise to save Indonesia is far from being burned. KAMI members were even absorbed in making a declaration outside the city, which the people flatly rejected. Finally, WE openly support workers to demonstrate against the omnibus law.

Gatot Nurmantyo, as KAMI presidium, confidently expressed his support for the labor demonstration. They are also proven to be supplying logistics to the protesters. Even though WE don’t realize the long term effects of a demo If all the workers leave, there will be no activities in the factory. Even though it’s only for 3 days, it can bring potential losses.

Imagine if WE continue to provoke workers to protest again. With the reason that workers must defend their fate, which is colonized by the omnibus law. Even though the article he is worried about is only a hoax. Moreover, the omnibus law consists of 900 sheets, and from US and workers have read it in detail, just decided to do a demo?

When the demonstration is held again, the factory loses, and the workers also suffer losses due to layoffs. Their families are abandoned. If you have this, will WE help the workers? It seemed impossible. Moreover, the demonstration violated the Manpower Law regulations. Because the demonstration was held when the factory or company wanted to be invited to a discussion.

Besides continuing to provoke the community, WE are also proven to be confident. They supported the labor demonstration on the grounds that the people could express their aspirations. But forget about the health protocol that was violated during a demonstration, and it is feared that there will be a new corona cluster during the demonstration. So that the authorities prohibited large-scale demonstrations.

In fact, a month ago, WE strongly opposed the direct regional head elections to be held this December. With the reason that the regional election will cause the spread of corona. From this we see that WE are always two-faced and inconsistent in their words.

There are also videos that are scattered on social media and make a lot of people laugh, even though they are not jokes. In the short video, you can see one of the WE members praising the omnibus law. Even though a week ago he was strongly against it and who knows what motive for making the video. Publi k considered it a political joke.

If you have this, do you want to elect them to be presidential candidates? From the start it was clear that WE were intricate and indecisive. Will we want to have a leader whose hobbies are upset? The answer is of course no.

WE also always oppose government policies and badmouth its political opponents. Whereas in psychology, someone who likes to blaspheme certain parties can potentially blaspheme others. Because in his subconscious mind, he was set to grin and attack other people with what he said. Is this characteristic of KAMI future leaders?

It is clear that WE can only instigate without providing a solution to the people. If they oppose the omnibus law because they are afraid of new unemployment, do they want to open a factory so that the people have jobs? Of course the answer is no, because their promise to save Indonesia is only sweet on the tongue.

Don’t want to be provoked by US because they are clearly only good at making speeches and making hate speeches but have members who are wishy-washy and provocative. If there are calls from them to protest, think carefully about the long-term effects. Besides being able to potentially get corona, during demonstrations and work strikes also make you suspended by the company.

) * The author is a contributor to the Indonesian Strategic Information Studies Institute (LSISI)

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