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Society Rejects KAMI Existence


KAMI existence is a controversy because it failed to get popular support. Even from young to old people reject it outright. According to the community, KAMI are too confident but forget that today’s people are hard to lie to, because they are politically literate.

The coalition to save Indonesia wants to get public sympathy by pointing out the many mistakes of the government. But unfortunately this turned out to be a blunder because the community rejected their existence. Because KAMI are considered provocateurs who incite the people to hate the government.

When we made the KAMI declaration last August 18, there were already young people who rejected it. They joined the Indonesian Millennial Action Union which demonstrated directly in the Proclamation Monument area to reject the event. The young people who joined the demonstration argued that the KAMI declaration did not comply with the rules of physical distancing.

According to Ali Ibrahim, the coordinator of the demonstration, KAMI can only insult and declare that we hate the legitimate government. His declaration was also full of political content. Especially when the event was held in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic conditions, it felt less ethical. If later there are Corona patients because of that declaration, KAMI must be responsible.

Apart from the younger generation, the elderly also reject KAMI existence. As happened in Tegal Regency. GEBRAK, aka the joint movement, rejects US from expressing their opinion in public to prohibit the declaration of a coalition to save Indonesia in the region. Because it is feared that it will damage the conducive atmosphere in the Tegal region.

Meanwhile in Blora Regency, the refusal to enter the US was manifested in banners posted in several places. On the banner is written about the Blora people who reject the existence of KAMI. It is clear that the people there do not want to be disturbed by the coalition declaration of action to save Indonesia.

From some of these objections, it is evident that KAMI are totally rejected by many parties. Starting from the young to the old generation, they don’t want to be influenced by these organizations to be invited to hate the government. People already understand that the government provides the best for its people. Therefore, KAMI demands sound like a joke.

The younger generation clearly rejects US because they want President Joko Widodo to be overthrown. Even though Jokowi is the leader of the youth idol, besides being wise he also understands the thoughts of the millennial generation. Jokowi understands that the internet is currently booming and encourages young people to do business with the help of digital marketing.

Millennials also don’t like one of KAMI demands that the government does not prioritize foreign entrepreneurs. Yet they are potential investors that young people can work with. Putra Indonesia has a business idea while investors finance it. If a foreign entrepreneur is rejected, how will his business continue?

Meanwhile the old people reject KAMI crazy idea to change the form of presidential election. From the initial direct election for the president by the people, to being elected by the MPR members. It would be terrible if this idea actually happened, because the older generation automatically remembered the difficult times, before the reform era. The presidential election via the MPR also injures democracy.

Therefore, KAMI hope to reflect and if possible stop the movement. Because it is clearly rejected out of hand, from the younger generation to the old. They are only considered national figures but are too old to run the country so they can only berate the government.

There should be no additional declarations in the regions. KAMI should not be too ambitious in mobilizing the masses. Apart from violating health protocols, they also clearly did not want to be invited to join. Because they are aware that the government has been working well and that KAMI accusations are very misguided.

) * The author is a contributor to the Cikini Press Circle and Students

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