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Support Special Autonomy Volume 2 for the Education of Papuan Boys


By: Saby Kosay )*

It is hoped that special autonomy volume 2 in 2021 will further advance the Papuan people, especially in the field of education. No more children who are illiterate because many schools have been built, complete with supporting facilities. The budget for education of 20% of the special autonomy fund will be managed properly.

Three months before the extension of special autonomy in Papua, the government has prepared everything, especially the budget. For the special autonomy volume 2, there is a fund of 21.4 trillion. That much money will be used to develop Papua, not only in terms of infrastructure, but also in education. For the education sector, they receive 25% of the total special autonomy funds.

During the implementation of the Special Autonomy Volume 1, many school buildings were built far into the interior and hilly areas. Scholarships are also given to Papuan sons and daughters, and they can go to high school, even study abroad. The field of education is important because it is hoped that the sons of Papua will be smarter and be able to develop the paradise earth wisely.

Now in special autonomy volume 2, the hope of the Papuan people is that their region will be more advanced, especially in terms of human resources. Education funds in special autonomy are expected not only to build school buildings and purchase books in the library, but also other supporting factors to improve their quality.

The special autonomy funds managed by the Papuan regional government can be used to improve the quality of schools in the paradise earth. For example, to buy a computer complete with an internet network, so that children are not tech savvy. Students are also trained to use the internet not only for entertainment, but also to learn and increase knowledge.

The quality of schools can also be improved by placing competent teachers. Sometimes in areas far from the city center, there are schools but the teachers are only high school graduates. The special autonomy funds can be used to educate teachers, so that they can become smarter when teaching. Also for the welfare of them so that they can be quickly appointed as ASN.

If a school is short of teachers, an official can be appointed to teach, because there is an emergency. To accompany his duties, SM3T teachers (left behind, front, outermost) can be brought in. So that students are more happy to learn at school. The teacher can be offered a job as a permanent teacher in Papua with the lure of being appointed as a civil servant.

The use of special autonomy funds can also be used for vocational education. According to the director of the Public Policy Institute, Sujono HS, the special autonomy funds provide opportunities for Papuan youths to get education and improve skills according to their talents. The goal is to make them smarter and more skilled. So don’t just focus on providing scholarships to students there.

Skills improvement can be done by opening a Vocational High School with majors that are in high demand, such as beauty, culinary, automotive, electrical engineering, and others. If the special autonomy budget also goes to vocational schools, it will improve the welfare of the community. Because SMK graduates are more ready to work.

The skills you have after receiving vocational education can also be a big capital to open a new business. So Papuan youths not only want to become private employees or ASN, but also become reliable business people. When they are successful, they can help the local government in developing Papua, so that the paradise earth becomes more modern.

The special autonomy fund is very useful because it can improve the quality of human resources, through education. The school building was built and provided with library facilities with good books. The quality of teaching is also taken into account. The special autonomy fund is also used to improve vocational education, so that Papuans become more skilled. Thus reducing the unemployment rate in Papua and automatically making the people prosperous

)* The author is a Papuan student living in Yogyakarta

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