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Supporting the Operational Acceleration of the IKN . Authority


By : Selvi Nurhapsari )*

The National Capital Authority (IKN) will operate no later than 2022. The community also supports the acceleration of the operations of the IKN authority so that the transfer of IKN can be carried out according to schedule.

Main Expert Staff of the Presidential Staff Office Wandy Tuturoong emphasized that the government was accelerating the operational process of the IKN Authority so that the new institution could be realized immediately.

Wandy also ensured that the government had thought about how to speed up the operational process of the IKN authorities. In Law Number 3 of 2022 concerning IKN, it has been regulated in detail regarding the transition process. He explained that later the IKN Authority would be assisted by ministries/agencies in preparing and developing IKN until 2023, until finally it could be more fully controlled. This has been stated in Article 36 paragraphs 2-4.

Wandy said that the process of establishing a new institution, especially at the ministry level, does require stages and often takes quite a long time. For example, the structure and authority of the institution is determined through a presidential regulation (perpres) m the appointment of leaders or heads is regulated in a presidential decree (Kepres) and the filling of the organizational and governance structure (SOTK) as well as the fulfillment of the budget. He also gave an example, the establishment of the Presidential staff office takes 3 to 4 months to fully operate.

Wandy emphasized that the government has experience in establishing ministry-level institutions. So for the establishment and operation of the IKN authority, of course it will refer to existing experience. The government has also designed various acceleration mechanisms.

He also ensured that the Presidential Staff Office together with the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) would continue to oversee various discussions and finalize the draft rules derived from the IKN Law.

Such as the Presidential Decree on the IKN Authority, the Presidential Decree on the IKN Master Plan, Government Regulation on funding and the Presidential Decree on the transfer of the functions of DKI Jakarta to the Special Capital Region of the Archipelago.

Wandy is determined that his party will do their best to make the IKN transfer a success. Because the momentum is now, when the Government and the DPR can produce an important agreement. So that the gap between Java and Outside Java can be addressed immediately.

Wandy also said that President Jokowi already had the criteria for a candidate for the head of the authority. In addition to this figure who is not affiliated with a political party, is a former regional head and has an architectural background, according to him, Jokowi also has other criteria.

These criteria include managerial skills to coordinate various jobs and various ministries/agencies which at the beginning of IKN development will still be seen directly in the field. In addition, he also has good communication skills with various stakeholders, especially the local government in East Kalimantan and the local community.

In article 1 number 10 of Law Number 3 of 2022 concerning the State Capital, the Head of the Archipelago Capital Authority is the Head of the Special Regional Government for the Capital of the Archipelago. The Head of the IKN Authority has a ministerial level position, is appointed, appointed and dismissed by the President after consulting with the DPR.

Similar to the president, governors and regents, the Head of the IKN Authority and the Deputy Head of the IKN Authority hold positions for five years, starting from the date of inauguration. However, the difference is that the head of the IKN authority and the deputy head of the IKN authority can be appointed and reappointed within the same term of office.

In addition, in article 10 paragraph 2, the Head of the IKN Authority and/or the Deputy Head of the IKN Authority as referred to in article 9 can be dismissed at any time by the President before the term of office as referred to in paragraph (1) ends.

Based on the draft policy that has been submitted to the DPR, the government regulates that the IKN Authority can make changes and adjustments to the IKN master plan after obtaining approval from the President. Later the Head of the IKN Authority will have offices in Jakarta and Balikpapan. However, such operations are only temporary as long as the physical development process at IKN Nusantara is still ongoing.

The development of IKN will continue to be pursued to the maximum, acceleration of the authority’s operations must be carried out so that the development of IKN in East Kalimantan Province can be carried out according to a predetermined schedule.

)* The author is a contributor to Pertiwi Institute

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