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Supporting XX National Sports Week (PON) in Papua


By: Rebecca Marian) *

The implementation of the 2020 National Sports Week (PON) in Papua certainly shows that Indonesia has led to development in an Indonesian centric manner, the easternmost region of Indonesia is certainly preparing for the largest multi-event implementation in Indonesia to run smoothly.
In its preparation, the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR), through the Directorate General of Human Settlements, is preparing a regional structuring program for four sports arenas to support the implementation of XX PON in Papua Province.
The arrangement was carried out at the Aquatic and ISTORA Papua Bangkit sports arena development venues in the Kampung Harapan Sports Area, East Sentani District, Cricket arena and Hockey Field (Indoor and outdoor) in the village of Doyo Baru, Waibu District.
PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono said the completion of the construction of the sports venue was targeted in a timely manner to support the implementation of the XX PON in Papua which took place from October 20 to November 2 in 2020, with due regard to safety aspects involving supervision from the Construction Safety Committee (Committee K2).
In addition to the Aquatic and ISTORA Papua Bangkit venues, the 32-hectare Kampung Harapan Sports Area also built a number of supporting facilities such as an athlete guesthouse, commercial area (mall), velodrome, BMX Track, training / heating field, stadium safe zone, and parking arenas. In this complex is also being built the main Papua Bangkit Stadium which is equipped with a scoreboard, time system equipment, and FIFA standard LED lights with a power of 1,800 Lux.
Meanwhile, the Jayapura National Search and Relief Agency (BASARNAS) is ready to support all-out implementation of the National Sports Week (PON) which takes place in Papua Province in the coming 2020.
Putu Arga Sujarwadi said that his party was very supportive of this national enthusiasm, specifically Basarnas planned to fill or back up several sports (sports) of course in accordance with the duties of Basarnas.
He admitted that currently Basarnas Jayapura has approximately 70 personnel who will be deployed during the national event. If it is still lacking, it will be added according to the SOP.
Even Putu admitted that so far Jayapura Basarnas had done various preparations or training, starting from preparing personnel HR, some training and facilities that were carried out by checking their readiness to be truly ready.
In essence, the Basarnas is committed to being ready for the success of PON Papua while for Sports that are accompanied or backed up in accordance with the Basarnas main functions such as Paddles, Payung Falls, Dive and others. Putu also stated that Basarnas will support the implementation of the 2020 PON in Papua so that it can run smoothly and successfully.
In line with the commitment to support the XX National Sports Week (PON) of 2020, the PLN Papua and West Papua Regional Unit (UIWP2B) signed a unit price contract (KHS) related to the construction, rehabilitation, improvement and improvement of distribution network construction, distribution substations and cubicle to support quality and reliability of PON XX in Papua Province.
The signing of the KHS is a quick step for PLN to ensure that the preparation of PON XX on the electricity side can be ready on time. This will certainly help the work become easier because later the work can be done by many parties.
Still in the framework of supporting PON XX, Jayapura Peaker Engine and Gas Power Plant (PLTMG) is now starting to supply Jayapura City’s Electricity Needs, after successfully completing a series of testing of the engine and supporting devices of Jayapura Peaker PLTMG began supplying electricity needs in Jayapura City.
On different occasions, the Central Indonesian National Sports Committee (KONI) is not only optimistic that the PON XX in Papua can be implemented successfully, but as the host, Papua can present a proud achievement.
Lt. Gen. (ret.) Marciano Norman expressed his support to the Papua Province so that it would not only become a host, but could also meet the target of reaching the top 5.
According to him, the PON XX event in Papua must be a reflection of the rise of Papuan sports in Indonesia. Not only through the top five, but must try to become a champion.
Of course, this great intention is a prestigious challenge for the land of Papua, as well as proving to the country that Papua also has achievements like other parts of Indonesia.

) * The writer is a Papuan student living in Jakarta

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