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The Government is Optimal in Handling Covid-19 and Restoring the National Economy


By: Dany Muwahid )*

The Covid-19 pandemic continues not only in Indonesia, but also throughout the world. The Indonesian government has been optimal in dealing with Covid-19 and restoring the economy affected by this infectious disease.

It has been 6 months since the Covid-19 pandemic has hit countries around the world, including Indonesia. The impact of this pandemic also changes health behavior and has a major impact on various economic sectors in many countries. Several countries including Indonesia have also worked hard in dealing with the multiple impacts of the virus that originated in China.

Marwan Jafar said that he appreciated the government’s latest and intensive efforts by the Committee for Handling Covid-19 and National Economic Recovery (KPCPEN), which was commanded by the Chief Executive of BUMN Minister Erick Thohir regarding the availability of vaccines such as from Sinovac, China as well as access and cooperation of health technology with the United Arab Emirates. (UEA) for the development of vaccine products, including the Covid-19 vaccine and pharmaceutical products, health services, research and clinical trials, and marketing and distribution.

Marwan also reminded again, the plan to purchase tens of millions of vaccine units from Sinovac in due time must prioritize safety for tens of millions of users in the country, even though in the country of origin the producers are informed that they have passed the third stage of testing and are safe to use.

Putting vaccines into the human body, of course, must be ensured that there will not be even the slightest negative effect on health. That is why he highly appreciates volunteering such as the figure of the Regional Police Chief and the Governor who register and are ready to be injected with a vaccine from a killed virus.

Marwan, who is the former PDTT Village Minister, explained that later it should be proposed that the use of the Covid-19 antidote vaccine must be made free for all people. In the early stages, vaccine injection may be prioritized for factory workers, hospital and office employees, workers in various modes of transportation, air, land, sea, market communities, malls, and hotel and restaurant employees.

He also really hopes that efforts to use vaccines are expected to contribute significantly or significantly to break the chain of the spread of the corona virus and stimulate the nation’s economy.

He also appreciated that the cooperation between the government and the Arab Emirate Unit, including collaboration with the G42 or an artificial intelligence company based in Abu Dhabi, which involved two state-owned companies in Indonesia, namely Kimia Farma and Indofarma, would provide great benefits for the development of the health industry ecosystem in Indonesia. as well as capacity building and development of vaccine and pharmaceutical production. In addition, it can also establish broad cooperation in the field of health management or services, including the development of research, distribution and marketing of pharmaceutical production or the health industry at the domestic, regional and global levels.

Previously, a survey from Charta Politika Indonesia stated that the majority of the public were satisfied with the handling of Covid-19 by the central government.

The survey said a combined 63.4% were quite satisfied and very satisfied with the central government in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic.

This survey was conducted by telephone interview method with simple random sampling method to 2,000 respondents spread across Indonesia, on 6-12 July 2020. The survey margin of error was 2.19% at the 95% confidence level.

Meanwhile, a survey conducted by CEO Magazine, which analyzes 80 countries in the world, shows that Indonesia’s score is fourth best after Singapore, Britain and Poland in handling Covid-19.

Presidential Chief of Staff Moeldoko said the President was very serious in efforts to deal with Covid-19 by providing five directions related to adapting to new habits. The directive is in the form of the importance of applying strict preconditions. Second, published policies are decided with careful analysis. Third, the president also reminded the importance of careful preparation regarding the gradual opening of various sectors.

The fourth direction is to strengthen coordination and consolidation between the central government, regional governments, up to the RT level. Fifth, the President asked for regular evaluations. This directive aims to make the community productive and safe from the transmission of Covid-19.

The government has been serious in monitoring the Covid-19 pandemic in a measured manner. In fact, concerns about a second wave of Covid-19 have been carefully thought out. The results have also begun to be felt with the assistance from the government for communities in need. However, we still have to be vigilant at least until a vaccine is found.

)* The author is active in the Cikini Press and Student Circle

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