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The importance of raising awareness and participation of young voters in Pilkada 2024


by: Dewi Anjani*

Election of the Head of the District (Pilkada) 2024 is one of the important moments in the journey of democracy Indonesia. Amidst growing political dynamics, young voter participation is the key to success in ensuring that elections go well and produce leaders who truly represent the aspirations of the people. However, to that, strong awareness and active participation of the younger generation, which now dominates the Indonesian electorate, is required.
Young voters, mostly from the Millennials and Generation Z, are a very defining group in the 2024 Pilkada outcome. According to data from the General Election Commission (KPU), about 40 percent of the Permanent Voter List (DPT) for Pilkada 2024 consists of young voters. These figures show the importance of their role in determining the future of the region and the nation.
However, despite the huge number of young voters, their participation in elections is often still low compared to other age groups. This is due to various factors, including a lack of political awareness, as well as a minimum of accurate and relevant information about the importance of participation in Pilkada. Therefore, raising awareness and increasing young voter participation should be a top priority in preparing for the 2024 Pilkada.
One of the important steps that the KPU has taken is to socialise and educate voters to various segments of society, including young voters. KPU East Java Commissioner, Miftahur Rozaq, explained that his party continues to strive to increase voter participation through various socialization programmes involving various stakeholders. The activity aims to give young voters an understanding of the importance of their role in Pilkada, as well as how their participation can affect the election outcome and the future of the region.
Not only the quantity of participation is important, but also the quality of Pilkada execution. Therefore, the KPU works with various parties, including trainers and religious figures, to convey important messages about the elections to young voters. This approach is considered effective because religious leaders and figures have a strong influence on the community, especially in regions such as Madura, where the culture of the community is heavily influenced by religious figures and the counsel of the people.
Besides, the approach taken by the KPU of the District of Attack is also worthy of appreciation. The head of Serang district’s KPU, M. Nasehudin, actively engages young voters through interactive dialogue on various platforms, including radio and social media. By leveraging the digital age, KPU seeks to reach young voters who are more familiar with technology, so that information about Pilkada can be more accessible and understandable.
In addition to the efforts made by the KPU, the role of the General Election Monitoring Body (Bawaslu) is also crucial in ensuring that young voters not only participate, but also do so in the right way and in accordance with the principles of democracy. Tasikmalaya District Chairman Dodi Juanda reaffirmed the importance of educating the young generation about their rights, duties and responsibilities in Pilkada. This education aims to create intelligent and active voters, who are able to maintain the integrity of elections and participate actively in the democratic process.
The coordinator of the Prevention, Public Participation, and Public Relations (P2HM) Division of Bawaslu district of Tasikmalaya, Syarif Ali, explained that the activities of the Bavaslu provides an understanding of the basic concepts of democracy, elections, and Pilkada, as well as the important role that young voters have inining healthy and sustainable democracies. By involving students in Pilkada surveillance, Bawaslu hopes to build a young generation that has a straight ideology and is able to distinguish between what can and should not be done in elections.

However, efforts to increase young voter participation in Pilkada 2024 do not depend solely on KPU and Bawaslu. All parties, including governments, political parties, community organizations, and the media, should play an active role in supporting this initiative. The mass media, for example, has a very strategic role in spreading accurate and relevant information about Pilkada to young voters. Interesting and informative media campaigns can help raise political awareness among younger generations, so that they are more motivated to participate in elections.
The importance of raising awareness and participating young voters in Pilkada 2024 cannot be ignored. The younger generation is the future of this nation, and their participation in the democratic process will determine the direction of future regional and national development. Therefore, all parties must work together to ensure that young voters not only participate in large numbers, but also do so with a deep awareness and understanding of the importance of their role in Pilkada. Only in this way can we create elections that truly reflect the aspirations of the people and produce leaders capable of bringing positive change to the region and the nation.

*The author is a political science student

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