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The Job Creation Law Encourages Transfer of Technology to the Country


By: Zakaria) *
The existence of the Job Creation Law brings various benefits to the people of Indonesia, especially for workers. They get benefits from foreign investors, because there is technology transfer. So that employees become smarter and master many things.
The Job Creation Law is a law that is greeted controversially, because many still misunderstand it. They think that by opening the doors wide open to foreign investors, local entrepreneurs will suffer losses. Even though the government is trying to get investors to provide an injection of funds, so that the UMKM business can grow.
Apart from business people, workers will also benefit from articles in the derivative regulations of the Job Creation Law (Perpres and government regulations). The reason is because investors will transfer technology to their employees. This was stated by the Chairman of DPD HIPPI DKI Jakarta, Sarman Simanjorang.
Sarman continued, technology transfer is an obligation, not an appeal. When investors bring foreign workers with them, the foreign workers are obliged to teach local employees. So that they are smarter and more aware of the latest technology, and have the same skills and competencies as foreign workers.
Local employees should not be afraid of the presence of foreign workers, because they carry a good mission. Logically, if a factory or an investor-owned manufacturing business is established in Indonesia, a leader who understands machinery, management, etc. is needed. He brought foreign workers to fill the position.
The TKA will later teach other employees about machine performance, the latest technology, and so on. So they will understand how the latest tools work, how the system works, etc. Imagine when there is no TKA teaching, it will be chaotic because there is no guidance.
Employees should be grateful to foreign workers and investors, because they were taught technology from abroad. As a result, insights will broaden and skills will increase. For technological matters, Indonesia wants to catch up, therefore it needs to be taught by foreigners.
In addition to teaching technology, foreign workers will have a positive influence on other employees. Because their work ethic is different, and more organized. For example, Japanese and Chinese workers work harder and even tend to be workaholics, while foreign workers from America and other countries in Europe tend to be more disciplined and assertive.
Employees will learn attitude and soft skills, and will no longer be delayed in coming to work but want to leave early. A positive work environment will be formed, because there are new managers who are disciplined and punctual, so they are embarrassed when they arrive late. They are also encouraged to work harder than usual.
Before foreign workers enter Indonesia, local employees need not be afraid. Because the Job Creation Law was not made to shift their place. Because the foreign workers were brought in by investors, to fill places as teachers and professional workers. Not manual labor or low-class employees.
There are fewer professional workers than regular employees, so there can be no allegation that the Job Creation Law is only pro-foreigners, namely investors and foreign workers. In addition, the requirements for foreign workers to enter Indonesia are quite numerous. Starting from a passport, work visa (not tourist), temporary residence permit (KITAS), and must have a permanent guarantor.
The Job Creation Law is guaranteed to be beneficial for local employees, because they will be taught by investors and foreign workers. Technology transfer will take place, and employees will get smarter. In addition, they also learn about discipline and attitude, as well as soft skills. Local employees do not need to be afraid of the Job Creation Law, because it will increase their knowledge.

) * The author is a citizen living in Bogor

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