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The Need for Decisive Action for Provocative Figures


By: Firza Ahmad) *

The government and all people are currently focusing on dealing with Covid-19 which is still happening. However, this effort was disrupted by the provocation of a number of individuals who only worsened the situation and added to the burden on the people. The police were asked to be firm in taking action against this provocative figure.

The social media network twitter is busy raising the hashtag #TangkapMunarman. Where through this hashtag, citizens asked the police to arrest the General Secretary (Sekum) of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) .

It is recorded that more than 3,166 netizens have discussed the hashtag #TangkapMunarman and managed to become a trending topic. The narrative made by Munarman is considered an incitement.

              Before it was reported, the FPI Secretary seemed reluctant to take seriously the remarks of the National Police’s Anti-terror Task Force member, Inspector General (ret) Benny Mamoto, regarding 37 former FPI members who had been involved in acts of terrorism throughout Indonesia.

              Munarman said that the 37 people linked to terrorism mentioned by Benny Mamoto were confirmed to have received convictions by the court and not all of them were FPI members.

              Munarman also said that it was impossible for FPI members to have firearms, and were accustomed to using their bare hands in their actions.

              On a different occasion, Polda Metro Jaya reminded the General Secretary of the DPP Islamic Defenders Front (FPI), Munarman, regarding the crime of spreading false news or hoaxes. This was followed by Munarman’s statement that the police were slander because the army guards of Habib Rizieq Shihab were not equipped with firearms.

              Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Pol Yusri Yunus at the Jakarta Metro Police Headquarters said, do not issue fake news, because this can be sentenced to later.

              Yusri has also conveyed clearly when the investigation process has been completed. He emphasized that the investigators had gathered that the firearms belonged to the perpetrator who carried out the attack.

              The Polda Metro Jaya also confirmed that the firearms allegedly belonging to the FPI Special Laskar members were homemade firearms with 9mm caliber. This is known based on the results of ballistic tests.

              Yusri said that the weapon was assembled and made number 1 so that in plain view it was very similar to the original. However, after being examined by Puslabfor, it was found that the weapon did not have a registration number and was made by a craftsman.

              Polda Metro Jaya has also held reconstruction of the shooting of six members of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI), at the Jakarta-Cikampek Km 50 toll road on Sunday night, December 13, 2020.

              The Directorate General of Criminal and Criminal Investigation Police, Brigadier General Andi Rian confirmed this statement. Andi said the reconstruction gathering point was at the Karawang Police, West Java. It is known that the reconstruction was held at 4 TKPs.

              At TKP 1, it was near the hall of the Novotel Hotel on Monday, December 14, 2020 at 00.45 WIB. In the reconstruction there were 11 scenes that were exhibited by the police.

              In fact, in the reconstruction of TKP 1, the FPI Laskar shot 3 times at the car of a police officer.

              The investigator explained that from the East Karawang exit towards TKP 1, there was a Chevrolet with a gray spin and a Toyota Avanza Silver.

              A Chevrolet spin, allegedly containing a group of FPI leaders, Habib Rizieq, blocked and blocked the Avanza Silver car belonging to a police officer.

              Then, the four perpetrators got out of the car and attacked police officers using sharp weapons.

              The police officer also gave a warning by shooting upward. The four perpetrators returned to the car , and from inside as many as two of the perpetrators shot back three times at the officer car.

              Kiai Zaenal Arifin, spokesperson for the Indonesian Knights in the Archipelago, revealed that he had reported Munarman to the Police regarding the alleged spread of hate speech and fake news.

              Zaenal Arifin said the report was made on behalf of Barisan Ksatria Nusantara who came to Polda Metro Jaya to seek justice because someone’s words (Munarman) could lead to lies and also fight against each other .

              He continued, his party feels sorry for FPI members because if they go to prison no one will defend them, while they move on someone’s orders. In addition, Munarman’s lies insulted the police institution as an official institution in this country.

              According to him, the dangers of lying and fighting one another were extraordinary. Because the impact of the slander raised by Munarman is greater than the impact of murder.

              Provocation and incitement is a form of dangerous action, the legal process must of course continue for anyone who violates the law.

) * The author is a citizen living in Bogor

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