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Threats From the Border


By: Sandy Arifin)*

The current focus of Jokowi’s government is to realize the real, sustainable and increasing development of the Indonesian nation. It is being realized through various programs ranging from infrastructure development in all parts of Indonesia to the focal point of development of the most outer island and underdeveloped regions for the equalization of the economic level. In addition, the main capital being prepared by the government is the mental development of human resource character, it has been implemented through the program with the theme “Mental Revolution”.

In line with the celebration of Independence Day, the government also continues to show its performance through strengthening and tightening supervision in various fields. Various special task force formed, start by Saber Pungli formation to eradicate corruption practice until to the smallest unit level, to plan the establishment of national cyber agency to anticipate cyber threat in Indonesia. The establishment of Saber Pungli aims to address the rampant practices of Corruption in the land, while the national cyber warriors will be coming to address potential threats coming from cyberspace or digital, one of which is the phenomenon of hatespeech or hate speech that currently has legal provisions.

The phenomenon of hatespeech received special attention from the government so it requires strong legality, even hate the government under Jokowi Leadership surfaced and the family of President Jokowi became the victim of haters by netizens, by raising the hoax issue that the family of President Jokowi is descendant of the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) and the current government is henchmen communist. Overcoming the phenomenon, the government needs to strengthen the spirit of pushing the mental revolution to stem the efforts of government groups undermine the unity of NKRI where the government is currently doing repairs and multiplication of various sectors in the economics field of Indonesia.

However, the government’s spirit to make improvements and improvements to development is injured by the efforts of the okum-irresponsible to destroy the morale of the nation’s generation. Moral generation of the nation that should be upgraded with the program “Mental Revolution”, is actually degraded due to the many cases that later santer became the topic of media coverage.

The last time the public was overwhelmed by various news of drug arrest. Not a few number of BNN findings and catches in recent months, even for the type of shabu methane has reached the unit weight of tonnage and methamphetamine reached tens of thousands of grains. It clearly shows the moral degradation of the nation’s generation, because in accordance with the law of supply, the more demand the greater the amount of production. Thus, it can be concluded that the number of drug demand in Indonesia is fantasis. It is clear that the nation’s morale is currently at the bottom of the limit, and the government is working to address the problem by establishing the status of “Indonesia Emergency Drugs”.

On the other hand, cases of illegal goods distribution and human trafficking also still show significant amounts. The entry of a third problem, of course, through the existing port in the border area of rats. The complexity of the problem necessarily requires a serious effort to calm and sustainable to minimize the movements of unscrupulous people who doing haram practice that can damage the morale of the nation’s generation.

The border area is still the main door for people who are not responsible for the practice of drug trafficking, human trafficking and illegal goods distribution. This can only be prevented by the increased unity and community unity to help the government realize development by tightening and monitoring the movements of the perpetrators. The spirit of unity and unity that supports the love of motherland can be a tool to fight RI’s problems. In addition, the cultivation of nationality values and the spirit of nationalism could be a shield for any threats that could hamper government development programs, such as drug trafficking, human trafficking, theft of natural resources, and illegal entry of goods.

)* The authot is CIDISS junior researcher

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