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“United Nusantara” Celebrates “Unity in Diversity” of Indonesia


Indonesia, the worlds largest archipelagic country, is blessed with more than 17 thousand islands, 700 tribes, and over 1,100 different local languages and dialects.

Although over 80 percent of its population of more than 250 million comprises Muslims. People having different faiths such as Christians, Hindus, and Buddhists, have been living here in harmony for many decades.

“Our diversity is Gods gift that we must all be grateful for. This is also our strength and we can boast about it to other countries. Though we have a lot of diversity, we remain united,” President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) said while speaking before young members of Indonesias second largest Muslim organization, Muhammadiyah, in Banten, on Nov 30.

The countrys founding fathers have been very wise in choosing “Bhinneka Tunggal Ika,” or Unity in Diversity as the national motto.

To celebrate the diversity and unity of the nation, a peaceful assembly called United Nusantara (Archipelago) was organized simultaneously at the National Monument (Monas) in Jakarta, and in other cities across the country, on Nov 30.

The assembly, aimed at strengthening the sense of unity and integrity of the nation, witnessed the participation of thousands of people that included prominent religious figures, ulemas, students, musicians, youth and other elements of the nation.

The Commander of the Indonesian Defense Forces (TNI), General Gatot Nurmantyo, and Chief of the Indonesian Police, General Tito Karnavian, attended the gathering which was also called a roll call.

Acting Governor of Jakarta Soni Sumarsono, Habib Nabil of Majelis Rasulullah SAW mass organization, Chairman of the Central Java Ulemas Council (MUI) M Lutfi bin Ali Yahya, daughter of former president Yenny Wahid, and prominent figure of the Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) Ahmad Mustofa Bisri (Gus Mus) were also present during the event.

General Tito Karnavian has called on the nation to maintain the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) with its diversities and differences.

“Differences are our strength, not a divider,” the General said.

All Indonesians, from Sabang to Merauke, are members of one family; therefore, they must strengthen and maintain the NKRI and its brotherhood, he added.

The National Police supported the United Nusantara assembly, initiated by General Gatot Nurmantyo, because the police believe that unity could maintain NKRI.

“Similar activities were organized across Indonesia by TNI and supported by the National Police. Therefore, we ask the nation to pray for the unity of NKRI,” he remarked.

Karnavian and Nurmantyo were wearing red-and-white headbands similar to the other participants of the event.

General Gatot Nurmantyo on the occasion expressed his gratitude to everyone present in the assembly, and said United Nusantara has proven that Indonesia is a nation of patriots and warriors.

“This is the evidence, that within two days since it was initiated, everyone is united. Everyone has contributed to what they could. How beautiful it is across Indonesia,” Nurmantyo said.

He noted that the spirit of unity should continue to be maintained, because the progress of Indonesian nation relied on the unity of all national elements.

“Together, let us strive for the unity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI). Do not let our Homeland cry, because we all have a dream that Indonesia will become a great and prosperous nation,” the four-star general added.

Nurmantyo urged the nation to pray for a peaceful and beautiful Indonesia. He also asked students to fight and work together to make Indonesia a winner in the current global competition era.

The general thanked everyone who turned up in the gathering to show their love for their nation.

“I would like to express my gratitude to the students, youth, religious figures and all public elements who participated in the rally across the country from Sabang to Merauke,” Nurmantyo remarked.

Another speaker of the Monas gathering themed “United Nusantara – Indonesia is Mine, Indonesia is Yours, Indonesia belongs to All of Us,” was Social Affairs Minister Khofifah Indar Parawansa.

The audience sang the national anthem, “Indonesia Raya” (Great Indonesia) as well as “Dari Sabang Sampai Merauke” (From Sabang to Merauke). Various traditional dances and singing performances were organized to enliven the event.

Other cities in 33 provinces organizing United Nusantara gathering included Pontianak (West Kalimantan), Makassar (South Sulawesi), Samarinda (East Kalimantan), Bandung (West Java), Way Kanan (Lampung), Manado (North Sumatra), Pangkalpinang (Bangka Belitung), Sorong (West Papua), Banyuwangi and Jember (East Java), Mataram (West Nusa Tenggara), Serang (Banten), Yogyakarta, Jambi and Ternate (North Maluku).

In Pontianak, some two thousand people wearing traditional dresses of West Kalimantan joined a parade highlighting the United Nusantara event.

At least 10 thousand people from various races and religions showed up in the United Nusantara assembly organized in Ternate, North Maluku Province.


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