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Wary Transmission Covid-19 Still High


By: Muhammad Zaki ) *

The number of Covid-19 patients in Indonesia is still quite high, with an average increase of 900 people per day. This is certainly worrying. Especially at this time there are OTG alias people without symptoms who do not look sick, but the results of the Corona positive swab test . They must be treated as soon as possible so as not to increase Covid-19 transmission in Indonesia.

These days the number of Corona patients has increased dramatically. Even reached 1,853 people per day. Achmad Yurianto, a government spokesman for handling Covid-19 explained this in a press conference via live streaming According to Yuri, his nickname, the identified patient was the result of a specimen test of 22,183 people.

The number 1853 is a new record because previously the highest number of patients was only 1,000 people. This number increases the number of Covid-19 patients , totaling 68,079 people. The good news, as many as 31,585 or nearly 50% of patients have recovered, and others are still in the stage of treatment at the Hospital.

The province that had the most Corona patients was East Java, which was 366 new cases. While the second number is DKI Jakarta. Even in Surabaya the term is not the red zone anymore, but the black zone. Because the number of Covid-19 patients is very high.

The increase in the number of patients is certainly sad because this pandemic is not over. When the number of patients increases, of course the Hospital can be overwhelmed because the special room to handle Covid-19 is always full. Even the medical staff are also exhausted because they have to work beyond normal working hours, and need the help of volunteers to stay fit.

According to Yuri, the middle way is for these patients to be treated at home and carry out isolation independently for at least 14 days. After isolation, they return to the hospital to do a swab test, which is more accurate than a rapid test . Although only treated at home, but the patients still get the Corona drug .

The increase in the number of these patients is a reminder that the Covid-19 transmission rate is still very high. Therefore, we must not neglect maintaining immunity and hygiene . Also still adhere to health protocols such as wearing cloth masks, diligently washing hands or using hand sanitizers , and keeping a distance.

When we travel, bring a minimum of a dozen cloth masks in a bag. So when someone is not wearing a mask or face shield , rather than nagging, it’s better to give a sheet of mask to him. The price of the mask is not too expensive right? This is a form of our concern for the environment. So we can all be healthy and won’t get Corona .

Why do you have to wear a mask? Because according to doctor Reisa Broto Asmoro, the effectiveness of masks to ward off Corona in a new environment can be effective, when at least 70% of people wear it. Cloth masks with a simple form can counteract the spread of droplets from Covid-19 patients , and a maximum of 4 hours is worn.

Be careful when doing activities in public spaces. Try not to leave the house too often, except for important activities like work to the office. Groceries and vegetables shopping can be via online shop For sports, it’s better to do it at home like yoga or sit ups . Swimming is better postponed because of fear in the pool water there is also the Covid-19 virus .

Corona patient numbers are getting higher and we must be vigilant and obey health protocols. Wear a mask, diligently wash your hands, and keep your distance. Also teach children to wear masks and just play at home. Do not travel outside the city except for important matters such as medication or takziah.

) * The author is a contributor of the Jakarta Institute

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