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Work Draft Bill on Solutions to Overcome Covid-19 Impacts


By: Abdul Muhfid ) *

Omnibus Law The Work Cipta Bill that will be formalized is a breath of fresh air for the business world. A number of regulations have been amended to overcome the impact of Covid-19 . For example about investment rules that make bureaucracy simplified. This could attract investors to invest in Indonesia, and the country’s financial condition would improve.

Professor Wihana Kirana Jaya, a FEB UGM professor, stated that the omnibus law of the Cipta Karya Bill had various benefits in dealing with the economic crisis during the Corona pandemic . This bill is wrong s atu government’s efforts to restore the economic situation in Indonesia before the situation returns to normal, because it could be there will be a crisis in the future.

Wihana added that during a pandemic we were not allowed to use the new paradigm . Society must think when in a state of crisis. In a sense, we are looking for things that can improve Indonesia’s financial condition. One of them is investment. In the bill, investment regulation is simplified so that it is expected that there will be many investors later.

In addition, the Cipta Karya Bill encourages employers to compete with neighboring countries. Because the climate in the business world is getting better with investment, both from abroad and within the country . Wihana hopes that later this bill when it has been passed into law , has an article on stimulation for local investors.

The article on investment in the Cipta Karya Bill is an important point, because so far there have been foreign investors who are lazy to inject funds in Indonesia, due to the convoluted bureaucracy. With this article, rules are relaxed and investment funds are expected to enter immediately. So that the economic condition of Indonesia will rise again.

The Omnibus Law Work Draft Bill does not only contain investment rules that have changed, but also other things. Among other things, the previous rule may be 5 working days so it must be 6 working days. The size of the UMR is not determined by the central government but the governor. And there are some facilities for employees, such as annual bonuses and decent severance when laid off .

So, this bill is guaranteed not to be detrimental, because the UMR is abolished and replaced by the UMK. The employees need not fear that their salaries will decrease, because the governor must know how much money is needed to be able to survive in a city. If there are employees who are laid off because of the Covid-19 effect,   they will also get severance pay, even though they have only worked for 3 months.

According to Ahmad Maruf, an economist from the Muhammadiyah University of Jogjakarta, the Cipta Karya Bill will also benefit MSME entrepreneurs. Because they are assisted in terms of waste treatment. So entrepreneurs can do business smoothly without having to bother caring for the residual waste production.

The article on employee salaries in accordance with the city minimum wage is also beneficial for MSME entrepreneurs. Because they are not afraid of being reprimanded by the Manpower Office, because employee salaries do not match the minimum wage. MSME entrepreneurs can also ask for dispensation when they have to pay employee salaries in accordance with MSMEs, because the business is lethargic because of the Corona storm .

If MSME entrepreneurs benefit from the articles in the Work Creation Bill, then they can work optimally. They are not bothered by the rules and bureaucracy that were previously tiring. UMKM is indeed given full attention by the government because it can absorb a lot of labor, so its position is benefited in the Work Cipta Bill.

The Work Cipta Bill is expected to change Indonesia’s financial condition so that there is no recession. The existence of rules such as ease of investment and the amount of salary of employees determined by the governor, benefits entrepreneurs especially MSME businesses. They can breathe freely because their business is smooth thanks to rules that are not confusing.

) * The author is a contributor of Reader Institute

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