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5M Prokes and Vaccinations are Effective in Combating Covid-19


By: Deka Prawira)*

The trend of increasing new cases of Covid-19 continues and triggers the fear of more and more victims. However, the public is asked to remain calm because the 5M Prokes and vaccinations are still powerful weapons in the fight against Covid-19.
Covid-19 continues to mutate, this is agreed by the Head of LBM Eijkman, Amin Subandono who said that the mutation of the covid-19 virus is like any other virus and continues to occur, so efforts are needed to prevent virus mutations by breaking the chain of replication or spread.
Of course there are 2 powerful weapons that can be taken to combat Covid-19, namely by complying with the 5M health protocol and minimizing community movements to encourage the creation of herd immunity through vaccination, these are the keys to preventing mutations of the corona virus.
We cannot deny that in fact the public order in complying with health protocols has recently declined somewhat. The possibility of decreasing awareness of compliance with the health protocol is due to the saturation of the community during the pandemic.
So that when the Eid holiday arrives, not a few people take vacations to tourist attractions, hold celebrations and various other crowds, so it is very possible that this will involve someone who does not comply with health protocols.
Some people who do not wear masks reason that they have received the vaccine, so they are lazy to wear masks. Even though epidemiologist Laura Yamani has said that anyone who has received a vaccination, must still adhere to health protocols. Because the function of the vaccine only reduces symptoms when infected.
He also added that the health protocols that must be adhered to are not only 3M but 5M. Namely wearing masks, washing hands, maintaining distance, avoiding crowds and reducing mobility.
He also emphasized that crowds can increase the risk of corona transmission, as well as if there is mass movement of people.
Mass mobility is proven to increase the number of corona patients. It is proven that in 1 week, the number of people infected with the Covid-19 virus increased, from 4,000 to 5,000 people in a day, so that the number of corona patients in Indonesia reached 1.7 million people. The increase occurred after the Eid holiday. Of course this data is valid because it was issued directly by the Covid-19 Task Force Team.
Reducing mobility is a small step that we can take to fight the pandemic, this must be done instead of lying in a hospital that is currently desperately looking for oxygen.
In addition to complying with the 5M health protocol, vaccinations are also mandatory for all Indonesian citizens, especially since this program is free.
In addition, the corona vaccine is also guaranteed to be safe and halal as stated by the MUI fatwa, so there should be no doubt in it.
The results of a survey conducted by Saiful Mujani Research and Consulting (SMRC) stated that as many as 49% of citizens are willing or willing to get the corona vaccine. Then another 29% refused.
SMRC Director Deni Irvani said that this data must be taken seriously. This is because big refusals and doubts in the community have the potential to disrupt the target of forming group immunity, aka herd immunity, which is set by the government.
Vaccines are products of biological substances in the form of antigens that are made with the aim of stimulating the formation of specific immunity against bacteria or viruses that cause certain diseases, so that when exposed, people who receive the vaccine can avoid transmission or avoid serious illness due to the disease. The vaccine will work when it is inserted into the body either by injection, oral or intranasal.
The Covid-19 vaccine itself is a vaccine that is given by injection into the muscle mass of the upper arm to stimulate the immune system or the immune system against the virus.
The Covid-19 vaccine is important because it offers protection in the form of immunity without being infected with the corona virus.
In addition, vaccination also aims to encourage the formation of herd immunity or group immunity. This is important because there are some people who have not or cannot be vaccinated such as people with autoimmune disease, children, etc.
To achieve herd immunity, of course, the government cannot work alone, it also takes the private sector to create group immunity.
In addition, vaccination is also beneficial for the economic sector, because if the community has a good immune system to fight the Covid-19 disease, then social and economic activities can be held again as usual.
Prokes 5M and vaccination are 2 powerful weapons against the pandemic, there is no other choice but to use these two weapons so that the pandemic can end soon.
)* The author is a contributor to the Pertiwi Institute

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