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AMANAH Training Successfully Produces Innovations in Superior Products from Regional UMKM


By: Madi Al-Hadi

Training in the Aceh Youth Creative Hub (AYCH) or Aneuk Muda Aceh Unggul dan Hebat (AMANAH) has successfully produced innovations in superior products from regional Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (UMKM) to develop to the national and international levels.

One indication of the success of the training that the strategic superior program of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) through the initiation of the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) is that currently not a few of their fostered ones are able to produce various superior product innovations.

With the training from AMANAH, regional UMKM are now experiencing very significant development and they can even be much more advanced, making superior products with professional methods.

A variety of superior products from AMANAH fostered UMKM were then exhibited at the People’s Party, which took place at Blang Padang Field, Banda Aceh.

There is a superior product there that has succeeded in attracting the attention of many visitors, namely nutmeg ‘beer’. It turns out that the superior product is a creation of a former bank security guard named Ayuzar Saputra.

He created an innovation in 2 superior products, namely Nutmeg Coffee and then its partner, Nutmeg Beer. No half measures, even the trial process for the nutmeg-based drink itself has taken a long time, namely 6 months until the creation of an innovative product like today.

Thanks to the training and very maximum and optimal approach from AMANAH, the enthusiasm and work ethic of the youth have increased. This is evident from how the efforts to create nutmeg beer took a long time.

In fact, even though they are small-scale, namely at the UMKM level, local business actors also have adequate knowledge about how to professionally create superior products.

So that it is not only limited to just making products, but the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises fostered by AMANAH also do not hesitate to produce and take care of licensing for their products.

As a result of research in the licensing process at the Food and Drug Product Inspection Agency (BPOM), the efficacy of Pala Beer, which is one of the innovative products from UMKM actors fostered by AYCH, is for people with insomnia, then as a diabetes medicine and also to improve blood circulation.

Not only that, but the nutmeg-based drink is also able to overcome stomach acid and bloating. In an effort to produce a product that does provide health benefits, the important key is in choosing natural ingredients.

By joining young people to become UMKM fostered by AMANAH, it is not impossible to make them more advanced and developed, even to the point that there are also guidance efforts for marketing.

Meanwhile, according to the Co-Founder of Gula Joek Aceh, Hana Abelia Putri who is also a participant in the AMANAH training. She considered that through the initiation program of the institution led by Police General (Ret.) Prof. Dr. Budi Gunawan, it was able to further increase their knowledge and capacity in entrepreneurship.

In addition, young people who have been in dire need of a place to accommodate all their ideas, can actually be helped in developing their businesses thanks to Aneuk Muda Aceh Unggul dan Hebat.

There is one of the superior products from local UMKM actors fostered by AMANAH which since 2022 until now has been able to sell to outside the region such as Makassar and often participates in various national-level expos.

With the assistance of the Government through the BIN initiative in the Aceh Youth Creative Hub program, it can further help expand the marketing of superior local products from regional UMKM activists.

According to the Regional Coordinator (Korda) of the Nusantara Student Executive Board (BEM) through the BEM Nusantara Regional Treasurer, M. Arif, the activities carried out by AMANAH are one of the most effective events in increasing the younger generation to be more aware of the importance of the role of entrepreneurs.

If entrepreneurs take on a large role in Indonesia, it is not impossible that these UMKM actors will even become one of the strong parties in helping to suppress inflation in the country.

Because of the various positive activities that AMANAH holds, it is not impossible that it will also further revive Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in the region called Negeri Rencong.

Slowly, there is now a change in mindset among young people, namely that they are now starting to think that after graduating from college, the goal should not only be to work but also to create jobs for others.

The success of the birth of innovations for superior products from local UMKM actors in the region cannot be separated from the role of training with a good approach from AMANAH.

*) Social and Political Science Student, Malikussaleh University (Unimal)

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