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AMANAH Program Empowers Youth to Achieve a Bright Future Prepares Indonesia to Move Forward


By : Ramzi Harli )*

The Aneuk Muda Aceh Excellent and Great (AMANAH) program is able to empower young people to achieve a bright future in preparation for welcoming a more advanced Indonesia in the future.

Of course, in preparation for a more advanced Indonesia, it cannot be denied that there will be a great need for an active role by young people as the nation’s next generation.

Thus, there is also a great need for young people who have high quality or competitiveness, who are empowered young people. All of these things can be realized much more optimally thanks to the AMANAH program initiated by the State Intelligence Agency of the Republic of Indonesia (BIN RI).

One of the things that indicates a nation has become a developed country is when the region is able to keep up with current developments by empowering a lot of human resources (HR) from their own region or in other words, encouraging its population to become actors who are able to adapt in development of this technology.

It is known that nowadays a lot of economic or business activities are moving in the field of technology or the digital world. Not a few of the start-up businesses that have just started are also expanding in that direction.

Knowing how much potential start-up businesses have if they receive full support, the Government of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) has provided its support through the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kemenkominfo) which launched the Startup Headquarters program in one of the regions in the country, namely Aceh.

The Deputy Minister of Communication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia, Nezar Patria, explained that the implementation of this program was useful for overcoming the lack of support for young people in the Veranda of Mecca, especially those who are pioneers of start-up businesses.

Several supports are provided such as a network, then support in the form of access to funding, provision of technical assistance and also collaboration with several ministries and other institutions, one of which is BIN as the institution that initiated the running of the Aneuk Muda Aceh Unggul dan Besar (AMANAH) program.

When several programs that focus on truly empowering young people can collaborate well, it is not impossible that it will further strengthen the start-up business ecosystem in Aceh.

The aim of this collaborative program is to further help startups in Rencong Country, the majority of which are usually run by young people, to grow and develop, and even be able to compete nationally and internationally.

Another indicator of a nation’s progress is not only how its human resources (HR), especially young people, can adapt very well to take advantage of technological advances in the digital world, but also the progress of a nation can be seen from how their local products are produced. The specialty is apparently very popular internationally and brings many benefits and is highly valued on the global market.

In the current leadership era of the President of the Republic of Indonesia (RI), Ir. Joko Widodo (Jokowi), this also continues to be intensified, namely efforts to downstream the nation’s products to the world stage.

According to the Head of State, downstreaming will make this nation one of the producing countries in the world and no longer dependent on other countries. So this clearly makes Indonesia a much more advanced country.

The AMANAH program itself fully supports downstream efforts in line with President Jokowi’s efforts. One of the things carried out by the Aneuk Muda Aceh Unggul dan Besar program is even collaborating with ARC-PUIPT Nilam Aceh, Syiah Kuala University (USK) in order to empower the millennial generation in Serambi Mecca so that they can play an active role in developing a creative economy based on Aceh’s patchouli oil. .

It should be noted that patchouli itself is one of the nine superior commodities owned by Rencong Country which has high economic value. This is because patchouli has become an export commodity and is a raw material for various industrial and international products.

It is very clear that by empowering young people to be able to utilize Aceh’s patchouli, it is hoped that it will really help move the local economy there through the millennial generation.

Training on patchouli derivative products aimed at young people is one of the efforts of BIN as the initiator of the AMANAH program to further advance the Aceh Patchouli industry because recently patchouli has become a forgotten commodity even though it is actually a superior commodity.

However, thanks to the struggle of all parties who initiated the Aneuk Muda Aceh Excellent and Great (AMANAH) program, now Aceh’s patchouli is slowly being able to recover.

To prepare for the progress of the Indonesian nation, the AMANAH Program, which was initiated by the State Intelligence Agency of the Republic of Indonesia, continues to strive to empower young people so that they are able to achieve a much brighter future through many very useful activities and provision for the young generation to be prepared to face world developments. by not forgetting its national values.

* The author is a Persada Institute contributor, lives in Aceh

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