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Appreciate the Government’s Strong Commitment to Accelerate Infrastructure Development in Papua’s New Autonomous Region


By : Salmon Kadepa )*

So far, the Government of Indonesia has issued a very strong commitment in relation to continuing to accelerate the acceleration of infrastructure development in the New Autonomous Region (DOB) of Papua. Not just talk, but President Jokowi proved all of this commitment with his results and real work, so that now the Earth of Cenderawasih can experience extraordinary progress.

The Papua Mountains Provincial Government (Pemprov) has received a budget allocation of Rp. 1.8 trillion from the Central Government. Related to the existence of a budget allocation of these funds, the Person in Charge (Pj) Regional Secretary (Sekda) for Papua Mountains, Sumule Tumbo explained that these funds also included the special autonomy fund (otsus) and special allocation fund (DAU).

It didn’t just get there, but a strong commitment was also shown by the Government with the addition of grant funds and also the scope of funds from Papua Province, as the main province, bringing the total to around more than Rp.1.9 trillion.

Of course, with the large amount of budget funds that have been prepared by the Government of Indonesia, everything must really be optimized to the maximum, especially the priority in development in the new autonomous region (DOB) of Papua. So far, one of the obstacles to development in Bumi Cenderawasih is indeed related to the facilities and infrastructure, so the government is directly accelerating this matter.

Menjadi prioritas utama dari Pemerintah Republik Indonesia (RI) dengan menggandeng banyak pihak terkait termasuk Pemerintah Daerah (Pemda) setempat, sehingga pembangunan DOB Papua bisa terus dikawal secara bersama-sama dan juga bisa dilakukan dengan cara yang sangat terbuka, utamanya ketika membahas apa saja yang selama ini mungkin masih menjadi kekurangan di wilayah tersebut sehingga nantinya bisa langsung ditingkatkan demi peningkatan layanan publik semakin maksimal pula.

Pada salah satu kesempatan, Presiden RI, Joko Widodo (Jokowi) juga menegaskan bahwa pemerintah memang sudah sangat berkomitmen untuk membangun seluruh Tanah Papua dan menciptakan pemerataan pembangunan di seluruh pelosok di Nusantara tanpa terkecuali.

With this strong commitment, development in all regions in Indonesia is now no longer using the Java-centric paradigm as development was carried out several years ago by the previous administration. Thus, in the future the level of disparity between one region and another in the country will also be getting thinner and there will be no more gaps that are too deep.

The realization of a strong commitment to developing Cenderawasih Earth has been carried out with various efforts by the Government of Indonesia, even in the last few years alone, a lot of development has been carried out in various sectors and fields at once in Papua.

Some of them are starting from the construction of the Trans Papua road infrastructure which has a length of up to 3,462 kilometers (km), then there are border roads that are built along 1,098 km, bridges that are 1.3 km long, and the construction of airports (airports) in a number of areas around it. Papua region as well as the construction of cross-border posts.

It’s not half-hearted, so far the total budget that has been disbursed by the Government of Indonesia for the development of Papua during the reign of President Jokowi is not small. In order to realize an increase in the welfare of the people of Cenderawasih Earth, the acceleration of development was carried out by channeling funds at every level of local government, which even reached up to IDR 1,036 trillion.

The very massive budget that has been disbursed by the Government of Indonesia is one of the clear proofs of how strong the commitment to developing the entire infrastructure of the Papua New Guinea is, which so far has been carried out not only at certain moments, but has been continuously implemented since 2014.

For this reason, with the Government having worked so hard, all elements of society in Indonesia, especially the people of Cenderawasih Earth, should be able to continue to increase their participation in their active role and participation in overseeing all the development being carried out.

Thus, with an active role in continuing to oversee the development carried out by the Government of Indonesia, each budget that has been issued can be more precisely targeted according to the needs of the people on Cenderawasih Earth itself.

Now, development in the Papua region has indeed been carried out more massively by the government, especially after the inauguration of the 4 (four) New Autonomous Regions (DOB). Therefore it is very necessary to have a balance in development that can meet the needs of the present generation and is also able to ensure the needs of future generations.

The Government of Indonesia continues to accelerate infrastructure development in the Papua New Guinea, which even invites many parties to participate. This very strong commitment has also been demonstrated by real actions and work to the extent that there is a lot of concrete evidence from the Government. So that all Indonesian people should give their best appreciation because social inequality in the archipelago will be able to be overcome with an Indonesia-centric development equity.

)* The author is a Papuan student living in Bandung

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