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Indonesian Engineers Association Takes Role in Building IKN


Jakarta – Head of the Indonesian Capital Authority (IKN), Mochamad Basuki Hadimoeljono, invited the Indonesian Engineers Association (PII) to play an active role in the development of the IKN in East Kalimantan.

“I invite PII to play a bigger role in the IKN. There are many things that need to be supported in the IKN, not only physical development but also non-physical,” he said.

According to Basuki, the role of engineers is very much needed, especially in developing the Sepaku area in North Penajam Paser. Challenges in the field are not only related to technical issues (engineering) but also social aspects (socio-engineering). Fundamental problems such as soil conditions, water availability, and environmental sustainability are the focus that requires the expertise of engineers.

“The most phenomenal thing is the condition of the land and the conservation of water resources,” he stressed.

Basuki also revealed that currently 60 reservoirs have been built to support water conservation in the IKN area.

Basuki said that the PII’s expertise includes various disciplines that can make a real contribution to the sustainable development of the IKN.

PII Chairman Danis Hidayat Sumadialaga emphasized that engineers have a strategic role in driving the progress of civilization. According to him, the contribution of engineers not only covers infrastructure, but also the food, water, green economy, and other aspects that support the welfare of society.

“The role of engineers is very necessary in food self-sufficiency, water self-sufficiency, and green economy to infrastructure,” he said.

With collaboration between OIKN, PII, and the government, the development of IKN is expected to become a model of city planning that is not only modern, but also sustainable.

Basuki also revealed the direction of the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Prabowo Subianto, regarding the plan to move the Indonesian Capital City in East Kalimantan. This relocation is planned to take place in two stages, namely in 2025 and 2028.

“In accordance with President Prabowo’s order, the timeline is in two stages: 2025 and 2028. For 2025, there has been coordination with the Minister of PANRB, Rini Widyantini, regarding the certainty of ASN transfers,” he explained.

In 2025, the main focus is to move the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) to the IKN. To support the plan, various infrastructure such as housing and offices have been prepared. Basuki explained that 47 residential towers specifically for ASN have been completed, along with office facilities and a city ecosystem that includes public service outlets in collaboration with the Coordinating Ministry.

“As many as 47 residential towers for ASN are ready, as are offices and city ecosystems supported by the Coordinating Ministry, such as outlets that have started to open,” he explained.

In 2028, the focus will shift to the development of legislative and judicial infrastructure. This development includes offices and housing for institutions such as the DPR, DPD, MPR, Supreme Court (MA), and Constitutional Court (MK). In addition, road access and other supporting infrastructure will also be a priority.

“Completing the President’s directive for the construction of judicial and legislative offices and residences in 2028, including road access and other supporting infrastructure,” concluded Basuki. ><

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