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One Price Fuel: Strategic Step to Improve the Economy of Papuan People


Equalizing energy access is one of the important missions that the Indonesian government continues to pursue through the One Price Fuel program. This initiative aims to realize equal prosperity throughout the archipelago, including the Papua region which has so far faced geographical challenges and high accessibility. By collaborating with PT Pertamina (Persero) as the main implementer, the government hopes that this program will be able to narrow the economic gap between regions and support the acceleration of local economic development.

The government through the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) together with PT Pertamina continues to expand the reach of One Price Fuel to the 3T (underdeveloped, frontier, outermost) areas. This is marked by the inauguration of 40 new points, the majority of which are located in the Maluku-Papua Cluster area. In this effort, Deputy Minister of ESDM Yuliot emphasized that the One Price Fuel policy is in line with the Asta Cita vision in the Prabowo-Gibran administration which targets energy self-sufficiency and realizes Indonesia Emas 2045. This commitment is also manifested in the principles of availability, affordability, and acceptability carried by Pertamina.

The development of One Price Fuel in the Papua region is not only a strategic step to create equitable energy access, but also a real boost for the local economy. The availability of fuel at a more affordable price allows the distribution costs of goods and services to be lower, which has a positive impact on the prices of basic necessities in the region. With increasingly stable prices, people can more easily access food and other necessities that were previously difficult to reach.

Head of BPH Migas, Erika Retnowati, explained that since 2017, her institution has consistently monitored the implementation of One Price Fuel through the regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation Number 36 of 2016. This is inseparable from intensive coordination with Pertamina and the Business Entity Receiving the Assignment at each targeted point. The role of the central government is also greatly needed, especially in completing the construction of gas stations that are constrained in several locations, especially in the mountainous areas of Papua where access is still difficult.

On the other hand, the presence of One Price Fuel in the Papua region also brings new hope for local business actors. They now have the opportunity to increase production and optimize the distribution of goods at a lower cost. The increasing number of local businesses that develop will have a direct impact on the creation of new jobs, increased income, and strengthened people’s purchasing power.

The One Price Fuel Program also reflects Pertamina’s commitment to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Net Zero Emission 2060 target that has been initiated by the government. Through efforts to ensure equitable energy distribution, this program not only focuses on social and economic aspects, but also environmental aspects. The application of the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles in every line of Pertamina’s operations makes One Price Fuel a sustainable program that has a long-term impact on environmental sustainability in the Papua region.

Meanwhile, by maintaining affordable and stable prices throughout Indonesia, the program is expected to reduce people’s dependence on environmentally unfriendly energy sources. The use of more efficient fuels and more targeted distribution will encourage carbon emission reductions in areas that are currently the focus of One Price Fuel, including Papua.

Although many One Price Fuel points have successfully operated in Papua, geographical challenges are still an obstacle that needs to be faced. According to Sunardi, Executive General Manager of PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Regional Papua Maluku, several points in the Papua Mountains still require optimal gas station development so that the benefits of One Price Fuel can truly be felt by all levels of society. However, this obstacle does not dampen Pertamina’s optimism in realizing the target of 152 gas station points in Papua by 2024.

This program is expected to have a greater impact on the Papuan people. With the availability of fuel at affordable prices, the wheels of the Papuan economy are expected to move more dynamically. The growth of the agricultural, fisheries, and small and medium enterprises (SMEs) sectors which are now the source of livelihood for most Papuans will be further encouraged.

The presence of One Price Fuel in Papua and other 3T regions is real evidence that the government has a strong commitment to encouraging equitable economic growth. This program is not only about ensuring affordable energy access, but also a form of social justice for all Indonesian people, especially in Papua, which has been facing a fairly sharp price gap.

With the support of various parties, including good coordination between local governments, Pertamina, and BPH Migas, the One Price Fuel program is expected to achieve its major goals of advancing the local economy, improving people’s welfare, and strengthening national energy security. The government’s role in accelerating the completion of the One Price Fuel target in Papua is also very much needed so that its benefits can be enjoyed by all Papuans.

Over time, One Price Fuel has not only become a short-term solution in providing fuel at an affordable price, but also a strategic step towards a more independent, prosperous and competitive Papua.

* The author is a Papuan student in Surabaya

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