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Paulinus Ohee: President Prabowo’s Commitment to Building Papua as a Pillar of the National Food Barn


Merauke – The commitment of the government under the leadership of President Prabowo Subianto to make Papua one of the main pillars of the national food barn has received a warm welcome from the community, especially in Papua.

One of the Papuan youth figures, Paulinus Ohee, expressed his full support for this very strategic government effort. According to him, this step will not only increase national food security, but will also encourage equitable development throughout Papua.

“We strongly support the government’s commitment to making Papua a national food barn. There are three main goals that we see as very crucial in this regard: development of the agricultural sector, modernization of agriculture, and optimization of existing agricultural land,” said Paulinus.

Merauke, which is famous for its fertile and vast land, has extraordinary potential to support national food development. Paulinus emphasized the importance of synergy between the Papuan people and the central government in realizing this goal.

“As Papuans, we must jointly support and realize the importance of this development. We believe that with proper development, Merauke can become a food source that is able to supply national food needs efficiently,” he added.

Paulinus Ohee explained that there are three big hopes that he wants to achieve if Merauke succeeds in becoming a national food barn.

“First, we hope that food production in Merauke can increase significantly, so that food needs throughout Indonesia can be met properly. Second, we hope that Papua can contribute greatly to achieving food self-sufficiency, reducing dependence on food imports. And third, we really hope that this program can open up more job opportunities for the Papuan people, especially in the agricultural sector,” explained Paulinus.

With full confidence, Paulinus expressed that the Papuan people fully support this government program and are ready to collaborate to make it happen.

“We hope that with the support of the central government and solid cooperation between the Papuan people and the government, Merauke and Papua as a whole will continue to develop and advance,” he concluded.

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