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Prabowo-Gibran Government Affirms Commitment to Developing Papua Through Food Barn Center in Merauke


By: Grasella Wandama )*

President Prabowo Subianto’s first visit to Merauke, South Papua, received positive attention from various groups, especially the Papuan community. During the visit, President Prabowo emphasized his commitment to realizing Indonesia’s food security, by making Merauke the center of the national food barn. This step shows the seriousness of the Prabowo-Gibran Government in advancing Papua, a region that has so far faced various development challenges.

During the visit, President Prabowo took the time to see firsthand the rice planting and harvesting process in Telaga Sari Village, Kurik District, Merauke Regency. This activity is part of the food self-sufficiency program being developed by the Indonesian Government, with the aim of reducing dependence on food imports while improving the welfare of local farmers. Merauke was chosen as a strategic location for this development because it has great potential to become the main provider of food for the eastern region of Indonesia.

In addition to visiting agricultural locations, the President also appreciated the use of modern technology in the agricultural process. Among them, the combine harvester tool that makes it easier for farmers to harvest rice. This technology is very helpful for farmers who previously had to work hard manually. The presence of modern technology is seen as a solution to increase agricultural productivity in Merauke and reduce the workload of farmers.

The sustainable agriculture development program was also a major focus of the visit. The government prepared a rice demonstration plot that is expected to be a model for farmers in Papua. With more efficient agricultural techniques, it is hoped that the harvest can increase, both in terms of quantity and quality. This is a real effort by the government to support food security in Eastern Indonesia.

Appreciation for the Prabowo-Gibran Government’s steps came from various circles, including from Papuan youth figures. Absalom Kreway Yarisetouw, Chairman of the Garuda Sakti Generation of Indonesia in Papua Province, said that President Prabowo’s visit to Merauke was real evidence of the Government’s commitment to developing Papua. 

In addition, Absalom also revealed that the selection of Merauke as the center of the national food barn will have a major impact on the Papuan economy. With this food center, it is hoped that food needs in Papua can be better met, while strengthening national food security. This is also believed to open up new economic opportunities for the Papuan people, especially farmers.

In addition to the agricultural sector, Absalom highlighted the importance of infrastructure development in Papua. In many areas, limited infrastructure is one of the main obstacles to economic and social progress. The construction of better roads, bridges, and transportation facilities will facilitate the distribution of agricultural products and open access for Papuans to obtain goods and services more efficiently.

In this regard, Absalom also emphasized the importance of human resource development (HRD) in Papua. Improving the quality of education and skills of local workers is very important so that Papuans can compete with other regions in Indonesia. By improving the quality of HRD, it is hoped that the young generation of Papua can be better prepared to fill various developing job sectors, both in the agricultural, industrial, and technological sectors.

Absalom also emphasized the importance of creating Papuan human resources that have high competitiveness. According to him, with the right education and relevant skills, the young generation of Papua can compete at the national and international levels. He hopes that Papuan youth will be given the opportunity to receive training that can improve their abilities in facing the challenges of an increasingly competitive world of work.

In addition, Absalom hopes that the Prabowo Government will continue to listen to the aspirations of the Papuan people in formulating development policies. All elements of society, be it youth, farmers, or the general public, need to be involved in the planning and implementation process of development so that the results can be felt by all levels of society.

As part of the Garuda Sakti Generation of Indonesia, Absalom invited Papuan youth to be actively involved in regional development. He stated that they are ready to fully support every effort of the Government in advancing Papua and want to be part of the solution, not just as a spectator. According to him, the active involvement of youth will accelerate the realization of a more advanced and prosperous Papua.

President Prabowo emphasized that Papua is an integral part of Indonesia’s national development. Therefore, development in Papua must be a priority for the Government, and the results must be felt directly by the Papuan people. This commitment will continue to be strengthened by joint efforts between the Government, the community, and all related elements.

With the concrete steps taken by the Prabowo-Gibran Government, the Papuan people hope to see significant changes in the development of their region. The agricultural sector, infrastructure, and quality of human resources are the main focus in efforts to overcome Papua’s backwardness. With a spirit of togetherness and strong commitment, Papua is expected to become a more advanced region and on par with other regions in Indonesia.

The development of a better Papua is not only the responsibility of the Government, but also part of a joint effort of all Indonesian people. With the support of all parties, Papua is expected to be able to emerge from its backwardness and achieve progress equal to other regions in Indonesia.

*) The author is a Papuan student living in Jakarta

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