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President Prabowo Strongly Committed to Implementing Strategic Steps to Realize Economic Equality


By Markus Widianto )*

President Prabowo Subianto is currently leading Indonesia with a strong commitment to realizing economic equality. One of the targets of his leadership is to achieve economic growth of 8%, which is a strategic step in an effort to escape the middle-income trap.

Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto emphasized that this target is not just a number, but is based on Indonesia’s historical economic track record which has great potential. President Prabowo understands that significant economic growth must be achieved through the right and sustainable strategy, so that its impact is not only felt in big city centers, but also touches all corners of the country.

President Prabowo’s commitment to realizing the 8% economic growth target is in line with the concept of Pancasila Economy. This was emphasized by Golkar Party politician Bayu Airlangga, that President Prabowo has a vision to build an independent, fair, and sustainable economy. This vision not only prioritizes economic growth alone, but also includes aspects of independence and sustainability, which are the core of Pancasila Economy. President Prabowo wants to build an Advanced and Sovereign Indonesia with a strong economic foundation, so that Indonesia is no longer dependent on other countries and is able to stand strong with its own strength.

The steps taken by President Prabowo also include the development of the downstream sector, infrastructure development, and energy utilization. BRI President Director Sunarso said that his party fully supports the new government’s policies aimed at strengthening the foundation of the national economy.

As a state-owned bank, BRI sees this policy as a synergistic effort to realize inclusive growth, especially in sectors that have not been optimally developed. By strengthening downstreaming, for example, the government aims to increase the added value of domestic products before they are exported, which will ultimately increase the country’s foreign exchange and open up more jobs for the community.

President Prabowo also focuses on increasing national economic competitiveness by optimizing the potential of natural resources through downstream policies. This policy not only has a positive impact on economic growth, but also opens up opportunities for micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) to develop. By involving MSMEs, the government wants to ensure that all levels of society can feel the benefits of the economic policies implemented. The empowerment of MSMEs is also in line with the principles of Pancasila Economics which place social justice as the main foundation.

In addition, President Prabowo has a special concern for economic independence. Bayu Airlangga highlighted that President Prabowo is a leader who is not only firm in making decisions, but also has a clear vision of independence. This vision is realized through policies that prioritize domestic production and reduce dependence on imported products. For example, the policy to increase local food production is expected to strengthen national food security. Through this policy, President Prabowo wants to make Indonesia an economically sovereign country and able to meet the needs of its people with its own production.

Economic equality is also a major concern in President Prabowo’s leadership. Through an infrastructure development program that focuses on underdeveloped areas, the government aims to connect remote areas with national economic centers. This step is expected to increase access for people in remote areas to basic services such as education, health, and employment opportunities. With adequate infrastructure, economic growth is expected to be more evenly distributed and not only centered in big cities. This program is in line with the principle of social justice which is one of the pillars of the Pancasila Economy.

Sunarso also added that the 8% economic growth target set by President Prabowo is a positive signal for business actors and the banking sector. This target is considered realistic because it is supported by policies that are pro-growth and pro-independence. Synergy between the government and the banking sector is expected to accelerate the achievement of this target, so that the Indonesian economy can continue to grow amidst increasingly complex global challenges. President Prabowo and his economic team are focused on development that is oriented towards real results and directly felt by the community.

In facing global economic challenges, President Prabowo is also committed to utilizing quality human resources (HR) as the main driver of the economy. The government has designed vocational training and education programs to improve the skills of the Indonesian workforce. This is important considering that quality HR will be able to adapt to technological developments and global market demands. With a reliable workforce, Indonesia will have stronger competitiveness in facing international economic competition.

With these strategic steps, President Prabowo shows a strong commitment to bring Indonesia to a brighter future. Economic growth targets, downstreaming policies, empowerment of MSMEs, and increasing economic independence are the main pillars that will be the foundation for realizing economic equality. President Prabowo’s government is expected to be able to bring about real changes that are felt by all Indonesian people, from Sabang to Merauke. Under President Prabowo’s leadership, the ideals of an independent, fair, and sustainable Pancasila Economy are expected to be realized soon, making Indonesia a sovereign and resilient country amidst global competition.

)* the author is an observer of economic policy

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