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President Prabowo’s Overseas Visit Strengthens Indonesia’s Economic Growth and Position in the World


By: Nurul Janida )*

The visit of the 8th President of the Republic of Indonesia (RI), Prabowo Subianto, to China and the United States (US) recently became a major highlight in Indonesia’s international diplomacy. This step shows that Indonesia is increasingly proactive in strengthening relations with major world countries. This visit not only strengthens bilateral relations with China and the US, but also underlines Indonesia’s commitment to playing an important role in the global geopolitical arena.

President Prabowo’s visit to China, as the first friendly country visited, has a profound meaning. This visit not only confirms Indonesia’s position as a strategic partner, but also reflects China’s recognition of Indonesia as a major power in the Asia-Pacific region. China, as the world’s second largest economic power, certainly has a great interest in establishing close relations with Indonesia, which is known as a country with large market potential and abundant natural resources.

At the same time, the visit to the United States strengthens Indonesia’s position as an important partner in global political and economic affairs. In international relations, the US has a very significant role as a superpower with broad influence in various sectors, from the economy to the military. Indonesia, with a foreign policy that prioritizes strategic cooperation, is increasingly being taken into account in international forums.

International relations observers believe that these two visits open up great opportunities for Indonesia to be more active in participating in global decision-making.  Fredy Buhama Lumban Tobing, Professor of International Relations at the University of Indonesia , said that Indonesia’s closeness to China, which is the first friendly country visited by President Prabowo, shows Indonesia’s strategic position on the world geopolitical map. Strengthening relations with China, which is also Indonesia’s main trading partner, is expected to encourage increased trade and investment.

No less important, the visit to the US also had a significant impact. The US has been known as Indonesia’s main economic partner in the Americas and has close diplomatic relations with Indonesia. This visit provides an opportunity for Indonesia to strengthen cooperation in the fields of economics, politics, and technology. The US also opens up great opportunities for Indonesia to increase exports of superior products and expand investment in various sectors.

Overall, President Prabowo’s visit to these two major countries reflects Indonesia’s increasingly active and proactive foreign policy. Indonesia is not only focusing on relations with major countries, but also trying to play a bigger role in the international arena by bridging the interests of developing and developed countries.

Minister of Communication and Digital, Meutya Hafid , said that this visit is concrete evidence of Indonesia’s increasingly respected role in the international world. Indonesia, with a foreign policy that prioritizes good relations and strategic cooperation, is increasingly seen as a country that can be a bridge between developing and developed countries. This is in accordance with the principle of  good neighbor policy  carried by Indonesia, which prioritizes mutually beneficial cooperation for all parties.

The visit also had a positive impact on the Indonesian economy. In the field of trade, closer relations with China have opened up opportunities for increasing exports of Indonesian goods to the world’s second largest market. In addition, China is also one of the countries that has large investments in Indonesia, especially in the infrastructure and energy sectors.

Meanwhile, Indonesia’s long-standing relationship with the US continues to grow. The US is one of Indonesia’s main partners in terms of trade and investment. President Prabowo’s visit is expected to strengthen strategic sectors such as technology, manufacturing, and defense. In addition, the US also plays an important role in helping Indonesia in terms of development assistance and solving global problems such as climate change and pandemics.

On the other hand, President Prabowo’s visit also gave a positive signal to global investors. Indonesia, with its political stability and ever-evolving economic policies, is increasingly becoming an attractive investment destination. This is reinforced by the progress achieved by Indonesia in various sectors, ranging from the digital sector, renewable energy, to infrastructure.

As the largest country in Southeast Asia, Indonesia has a strategic role in building dialogue between large and developing countries. President Prabowo’s visit to China and the US emphasizes Indonesia’s position as a leader capable of establishing relations with large countries while maintaining good relations with developing countries.

In the long term, closer relations with China and the US will contribute greatly to Indonesia’s progress, both in the economic, political and social fields. Indonesia can take advantage of this opportunity to strengthen its competitiveness in the global market and improve its bargaining position in international forums.

In closing, President Prabowo Subianto’s visit to China and the US marks the beginning of a new chapter in Indonesian diplomacy. With a more proactive foreign policy and a wider range of relations, Indonesia is ready to face global challenges and take advantage of new opportunities in the international world. This visit not only strengthens Indonesia’s position in the geopolitical arena, but also paves the way for more inclusive and sustainable economic growth.

)* The author is a Malang student living in Jakarta

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