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The government is ready to push the National Economic Growth Policy to implement the Indonesian Gold


Policy by: Nana Gunawan)*

In order to realize the achievement of Indonesia’s Golden 2045 vision, economic transformation is one of the steps that governments need to take to boost inclusive and sustainable national economic growth. The economic transformation undertaken by governments covers a wide range of sectors, one of which is the integration of global and domestic economies.
The government is working to strengthen international cooperation, which it considers essential in providing a comprehensive road map to drive economic transformation. In addition, the government is also trying to boost investment attractiveness by increasing investor confidence by shaping global norms through economic policy discussions, implementing high standards related to Governance, and extending global coverage.
Efforts to boost inclusive economic growth are also being made by the government by stepping up industrialization in several sectors, ranging from natural resource degradation (SDA) to digital, the development of a petrochemical industry with a target of 30 million tons for olefins and 5.6 million tonnes for aromatics by 2035, the strengthening of the automotive industry, semiconductor supply chain development, to the improvement of the logistics ecosystem to reduce logistics costs by eight percent by 2045. In addition, Indonesia is a part of creating regional stability, in the Indo-Pacific, which plays an important role in the availability of the country’s commodities in Southeast Asia and the South Pacific.
The Minister of Economic Affairs and Chief of the One Map Policy Acceleration Team, Airlangga Hartarto, said that if you want to have strong and inclusive growth, then Indonesia must be integrated into regional and global supply chains. Therefore, security and stability are essential to ensure that Indonesia’s supply chain is not interrupted. Currently, the government is pushing for the acceleration of the One Map policy accompanied by the construction of the National Strategic Project (PSN) and the development of the Special Economic Zone (SEZ) as one of the concrete efforts in achieving the goals of the Long-term National Development Plan (RPJPN) 2025-2045.
According to him, with the One Map policy making development planning including the construction of PSN and the development of KEK as well as various other national policies can refer to accurate spatial data. Not only the government, the public can now experience the benefits of the implementation of the One Map policy through access to the information provided in the Geoportal One Map Policy 2.0. Airlangga said that amid global uncertainty, Indonesia’s economic growth remained resilient, had a strong resilience, and grew 5.11% by Triwulan I in 2024 and was among the top 3 among other G20 countries, and was still trusted by foreign investors to invest in Indonesia due to low inflation this year.
In addition, the 2025-2045 RPJPN target emphasizes economic growth in the range of 6-7 percent with a rather challenging investment target of Rs.900 Trillion by 2025. The target, according to Airlangga, is part of the per capita income reach that is expected to reach USD 30,000-dollar by 2045. With the acceleration of the One Map policy and the improvement of the PSN as well as the development of the KEK, Indonesian development is expected to be 1-2 percent higher.
Meanwhile, according to Defence Minister Prabowo Subianto, the One Map Policy can create an efficiency and avoid duplication of space utilization so that the construction process can proceed quickly. Speed is an element of effective governance because of geopolitical and geoeconomic uncertainty, as well as competition between countries that can provide a certainty and the most efficient business climate in attracting investment.
Meanwhile, the Chairman General of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) of Indonesia, Arsjad Rasjid said, Kadin Indonesia is the only master of the world industry and enterprise organization that jointly with the government has stepped forward to accomplish many proud achievements.
As a leader of the business world as well as a partner of the Government in national economic development, Kadin Indonesia continues to show increased performance. This is demonstrated by the number of contributions and achievements of Kadin Indonesian in the 2021-2026 management period that initiatively advances inclusive, collaborative, and sustainable economic development.

More than 70% of Kadin’s main work programme formulated in Munas VIII since 2021 has been completed. As a measure, the results of the first year evaluation in the 2021 Rapimnas show that the planned program has been fulfilled by more than 50%. Then, by the 2022 Rapimna, the figure has risen to more than 65%, until the 2023 Rapimns implementation has reached more than 70%.
Kadin Indonesia also played an active role in promoting the empowerment of UMKM and the regional economy, as well as conducting advocacy initiatives to strengthen the national economic foundation. It is a form of real commitment made by Kadin Indonesia in support of Indonesia’s Golden 2045 vision, which aspires to bring Indonesia to a developed and prosperous country. The economic growth towards Indonesia Gold 2045 is the result of the right combination of policies and strong support from a number of parties that continue to work together and synergize in the spirit of gotong royong to help the Government drive national economic improvement.
Inclusive and sustainable policies must be the primary focus so that all segments of society can enjoy the benefits of this ever-increasing economic growth. With the right strategy, it is expected to be able to maintain the pace of the economy to remain firmly rooted in stability and quality.

)* The author is the Economic Observer of the Nusa Nation Institute.

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