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The Job Creation Law Guarantees Clean Business Implementation Without Corruption


By: Deka Prawira)*

Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation (Ciptaker) is a powerful regulation in enforcing bureaucratic reform, including eliminating corruption. The reason is that in this law it is stated that all types of licensing must be online so that there is no loophole for corruption.

Corruption became a scourge of society because the New Order Era was filled with many practices of Corruption, Collusion, and Nepotism (KKN). Unfortunately, in the reform era, there are still people who are desperate to ask for extra money even though they are already paid a lot by the state. Corruption must be investigated thoroughly and strictly prohibited so as not to destroy this country, and the elements have given up on doing so. The way to prevent corruption is not by using the death penalty as in China, but by enacting the Job Creation Law.

The Job Creation Act has become the prima donna regulation since the end of 2020 because its presence brings fresh air, especially for eradicating corruption. In the ease of doing business cluster, it is stated that business licenses are really made easier because they can be processed online (online single submission/OSS). With the online system, it will automatically prevent corruption from illegal levies by unscrupulous employees.

President Jokowi stated that the Ciptaker Law supports efforts to eradicate corruption. According to him, one of the mandates of this law is the ease of opening a business set by the government as a simplification of the licensing system for MSMEs (Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises).

President Jokowi added that the Job Creation Law eradicates corruption because it simplifies, bypasses, and integrates permit processing into the electronic system. In this way, extortion can be eliminated.

In a sense, the Job Creation Law can stop extortion and various types of corruption in Indonesia because the current licensing system is online (onine single submission). If in the past you had to come to the Licensing Service and related agencies, now you don’t need it anymore, by simply opening your cellphone or laptop and registering it. Fill in the online form and then just wait for confirmation of the completion of the permit, which usually only takes 5 working days.

With an online system, there are no more threats or demands from people who ask for facilitation payments. Usually they ask for facilitation payments on the grounds that they can speed up the issuance of permits. However, with online licensing and an accelerated timeframe, there is no longer any potential for extortion like this.

The behavior of individuals like this is indeed annoying because it is not uncommon for large amounts of money to be asked of entrepreneurs. However, when there is an online single submission, they are dead and cannot be corrupted. After all, a civil servant is sworn not to be corrupt in the slightest.

With licensing without extortion, in addition to eradicating corruption, it also facilitates business, especially MSME businessmen. They can easily and quickly get a business license and this legality is one of the guarantees, so they can easily get credit from the bank. That way they can get more business capital.

When there is an online single submission, it also makes Indonesia’s name better without any corruption at all. Currently more and more foreign entrepreneurs want to invest and when they take care of licensing it is more practical with the online system. There are no extortionists so that foreign businessmen believe that the trade and licensing climate in Indonesia is fair without corruption.

The Job Creation Law is an effective regulation in eradicating corruption in this country. With the ease of doing business cluster, it is really easy for entrepreneurs to run their business and have permits without having to give extortion to unscrupulous employees. Licensing was changed to online single submission to block potential corruption in Indonesia.

)* The author is a contributor to the Press Circle and Cikini Students

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