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First AIS Forum Summit in Bali, Discussing Global Issues for Island Countries


Bali – Archipelagic and Island States (AIS) Forum will hold an AIS Forum High Level Conference (Summit) in Bali, Indonesia, on October 11 2023. This meeting is the first to be held with the presence of state leaders.

Regarding this, the Head of the AIS Forum Secretariat, Riny Modaso, explained that the 2023 AIS Summit calls for strengthening solidarity to overcome problems in the maritime sector.

According to him, this is based on the principle that the AIS Forum was initiated as a forum to overcome the problems faced by island and archipelagic countries.

“Island and island countries generally face the same problems when faced with maritime issues. “One example is climate change which causes sea levels to rise,” said Riny

“The first to be faced with this problem are of course the island and archipelagic countries. “This is where the AIS Forum sees that there needs to be a collective effort to overcome this issue,” he added.

He added that to overcome common problems, collaboration and joint work are needed.

“This then became a reference for the AIS Forum to bring the key message of solidarity as one of the derivative themes. “The other two main topics are the Blue Economy and Our Ocean, Our Future,” emphasized Riny.

Indonesia itself has prepared the AIS Summit very carefully. One of them is the provision of a special route for delegates.

Head of the Bali Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Anggiat Napitupulu, stated that there were two booths to facilitate the arrival of the AIS Summit delegates.

“In this case, there are at least two booths that will carry out this special task,” he said

Furthermore, the two booths will be guarded by eight officers or four officers each for the two booths. Because, the most crucial task is when the delegation arrives at the International Arrivals Terminal.

“Arrival alone is crucial, while for departure there are 10 booths with two officers each,” he said

For information, the main theme of the AIS Forum 2023 in Bali is “Fostering Collaboration, Enabling Innovation, for our Ocean and Our Future” with an emphasis on blue economy, our ocean, our future, and solidarity.

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