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Kuswanto: OIKN Provides Many Investment Incentives for the Smooth Development of IKN


Balikpapan — The Archipelago Capital Authority (OIKN) provides many conveniences or investment incentives to investors. This aims to support the smooth development of the Indonesian IKN.

Acting Director of Controlling Government Administration and Development Licensing at OIKN, Kuswanto, said that currently the government is focused on overseeing investment realization as best as possible.

In monitoring the realization of investment in IKN Nusantara, various stakeholders also continue to monitor it.

“We are monitoring the realization of this investment well, collaborating with all stakeholders,” said Kuswanto.

“Not only OIKN but with BKPM, PUPR Ministry and other related ministries,” he continued.

Talking about the investment scheme in IKN development, Kuswanto explained that his party had prepared many investment packages.

“Among them, there are several investment packages which contain incentives such as tax exemptions, tax holidays and tax exceptions,” he explained.

Furthermore, Kuswanto said that the government also provides convenience by granting business use rights and building use rights.

“Granting business use rights and building use rights for a certain time, exemption from BPHTB and many investment incentives given to investors,” said Kuswanto.

The government continues to provide various incentives or conveniences in making investments with the aim of bringing more and more investors to Indonesia.

“These incentives are being formulated in the Regulation of the Head of the Archipelago Capital Authority which is currently being rolled out and the PMK has also been stipulated for investment in the tax sector,” he said.

“This is of course expected to encourage investors to come and invest in IKN,” explained the Acting Director of Controlling Governance and Development Licensing at OIKN.

In fact, the government is not only preparing fiscal incentives, but also many non-fiscal conveniences.

With all these conveniences, OIKN hopes that investors will be able to take advantage of them so that the National Capital can be well developed.

“Apart from fiscal incentives, many non-fiscal incentives are also prepared by OIKN. “It is hoped that investors will be able to take advantage of all of this so that IKN can be developed well,” he concluded.

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