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Appreciation of Prabowo-Gibran Government’s Commitment to Eradicate Online Gambling


By: Gavin Asadit )*

Online gambling has become an increasingly concerning issue in today’s digital era. With the advancement of information and communication technology, access to various forms of gambling has become very easy and fast. This has had a wide negative impact, not only for individuals, but also for families, communities, and the country. In facing this challenge, the government in the Prabowo Subianto era has shown a strong commitment to eradicating online gambling practices. This is very much appreciated with the steps that have been taken by the government in overcoming this problem so that the expected positive impact can be realized.

President Prabowo Subianto has instructed the Attorney General, the Chief of Police, and the Head of the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) to focus on serious issues such as online gambling, drugs, and corruption. This step is part of his commitment to building a clean and strong government. Strict law enforcement and effective use of intelligence are key to this strategy. President Prabowo emphasized that these threats can be reduced through strong cooperation between institutions, fair law enforcement, and strong evidence in every legal process. This is crucial to uphold justice and build public trust in the government’s performance.

On the other hand, the Indonesian Minister of Communication and Digital (Menkomdigi), Meutya Hafid said that her party will continue to be committed to continuing the previous leadership by eradicating online gambling activities that have proven to be very detrimental to society. Meanwhile, the war on online gambling has become one of the focuses of the previous ministry (Kemenkominfo) because the number of transactions from 2017 to September this year reached IDR 600 trillion according to PPATK data. In fact, in the first quarter of 2024 (January-March), the value of online gambling transactions reached IDR 174 trillion. In addition, the Online Gambling Task Force (Satgas) formed by former President Joko Widodo also reported last June that this illegal activity had ensnared 2.37 million Indonesians and tragically, 2% of them were children under the age of 10.

Furthermore, Deputy Chairman of the Advisory Board of the Gerindra Party DPP, Hashim Djojohadikusumo also said that his party will continue to support the Prabowo-Gibran government in eradicating online gambling cases, this is because it is very detrimental to the entire community and as an effort to realize superior human resources towards the golden Indonesia 2045.

The eradication of online gambling needs to be carried out continuously because the negative impacts of online gambling are very serious and diverse. Online gambling can cause severe financial problems for individuals. Many people are trapped in a cycle of debt due to losing money in gambling. This often leads to criminal acts committed to cover the losses experienced. Not infrequently, individuals involved in gambling experience tremendous mental pressure, so they are forced to make irrational decisions in order to maintain their gambling habits. Former Minister of Communication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia, Budi Arie Setiadi said that online gambling is a case that can have a negative impact on society, for example divorce to eroding the potential of the formal economy. He also emphasized that there is no potential to win in online gambling.

The Indonesian government has taken a number of significant steps to address this problem. One of the initial steps taken was through stricter law enforcement. The government is working with law enforcement to take strict action against online gambling sites operating in Indonesia. This includes blocking access to these sites, which is a much-needed preventive measure. By blocking access to online gambling sites, the government is attempting to reduce the number of individuals exposed to and caught up in gambling.

Community support is also very important in eradicating online gambling. Collective public awareness to report illegal gambling practices to the authorities can strengthen government efforts in addressing this problem. The community must be involved in this process, both through active participation in anti-gambling campaigns and by supporting rehabilitation programs for those who are trapped in gambling. Communities that are sensitive to the dangers of online gambling can become partners with the government in creating a safer environment.

Overall, the Indonesian government’s commitment to eradicating online gambling deserves appreciation. With firm steps in law enforcement, public education, and collaboration with technology, the government has shown that they are serious about dealing with this issue. Although challenges remain, the efforts made show that the government is not sitting idly by in the face of the increasingly complex problem of online gambling.

By working together, we can create a safer and healthier environment for future generations. With these steps, it is hoped that online gambling can be suppressed, and the Indonesian people can avoid the negative impacts it causes. Our appreciation for the Prabowo Subianto government must be accompanied by real action from all elements of society to work together to eradicate online gambling and create a better future. Given the broad impact it has, this effort is not only the responsibility of the government, but also the responsibility of all of us as part of society.

)* The author is an observer of social and community issues

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