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Caring for the Future of the Young Generation, President Prabowo Seriously Fights Drugs


By: Arman Panggabean )*
The eighth President of the Republic of Indonesia, Prabowo Subianto, has shown his commitment to protecting the future of the young generation from the threat of drugs. As a national leader, he emphasized the importance of total war against drug abuse and illicit trafficking. This step is not only a form of concern for the next generation, but also part of an effort to maintain the stability and sustainability of the nation.
On various occasions, the Head of State has emphasized that the threat of drugs must be handled with a strategic and comprehensive approach. The government focuses on strengthening supervision, cross-sector cooperation, and the use of modern technology to detect and prevent drug trafficking. This approach is expected to create long-term effects in eradicating the root of the problem.
One of President Prabowo’s strategic steps is the implementation of four main pillars in fighting drugs. These pillars include education on anti-drug values ​​from an early age, firm action against drug dealer networks, the use of sophisticated technology, and close collaboration between the government, private sector, and the community. This effort, according to him, is an integral part of the national program for the Prevention, Eradication, Abuse, and Illicit Trafficking of Drugs (P4GN).
National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo said that the threat of drugs is now increasingly complex, along with the rampant circulation of online gambling and brawls among the younger generation. The role of law enforcement institutions and related ministries is very important in providing education and special attention, especially to students in remote areas such as Papua. This step is part of Indonesia’s grand vision towards the golden generation of 2045.
According to him, cooperation between the Police and ministries has been strengthened to ensure the creation of an environment that supports the growth of a healthy younger generation. President Prabowo’s support in this aspect further motivates law enforcement institutions to carry out their duties optimally, including through coaching programs that target the roots of social problems. Integrated handling of the problems of drugs, online gambling, and brawls is believed to be able to protect the future of the nation’s children from various negative influences.
This commitment is not just rhetoric. Joint operations initiated in the President’s direction have succeeded in showing concrete results. One of them, the large-scale arrest of a drug smuggling network in November 2024 is real evidence that was carried out in a coordinated manner between the National Police, BNN, and other related agencies.
The Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police, Commissioner General Wahyu Widada, emphasized that firm action against drug networks is a top priority in the implementation of Asta Cita, the strategic vision of President Prabowo Subianto’s government. The joint operation that succeeded in securing a large number of narcotics is part of a major strategy to break the chain of drug smuggling in Indonesia.
The eradication strategy implemented does not only focus on the law enforcement aspect, but also includes a social and educational approach. This is in line with President Prabowo’s direction to ensure that drug eradication has a long-term impact, including reducing demand by increasing public awareness. The Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit also highlighted the importance of cross-country cooperation to prevent the entry of drugs from vulnerable areas such as the Golden Triangle.
President Prabowo views that handling drugs must be carried out with a holistic perspective, from upstream to downstream. Preventive actions through education, law enforcement against the main perpetrators, and rehabilitation for victims of drug abuse are the three main pillars that must be carried out simultaneously. This approach is believed to be able to create a safer and drug-free environment.
The Coordinator of the Expert Group of the National Narcotics Agency (BNN), Ahwil Luthan, gave his view that the war on drugs requires a comprehensive approach. Ahwil emphasized the importance of early education as an effective preventive measure. The role of the family is also referred to as the main fortress in protecting children from the negative influence of drugs.
Strict supervision in border areas, which are often smuggling routes, is one of Ahwil’s main recommendations. In this context, international cooperation is needed to break the chain of drug distribution, especially from the Golden Triangle region. Integrated efforts involving education, eradication, and rehabilitation are considered capable of significantly reducing drug abuse rates.
He also mentioned that collaboration with educational institutions to include anti-drug values ​​in the school curriculum can have long-term positive effects. By instilling awareness from an early age, the younger generation can grow up become a more resilient individual and able to face the temptation of drugs.
As a national leader who is also a retired high-ranking Indonesian military officer, President Prabowo has shown a great vision in ensuring that Indonesia’s young generation is free from the dangers of drugs. This commitment is not only limited to repressive measures, but also includes the development of an ecosystem that supports the creation of a healthy and safe environment.
With community support and cross-sector synergy, Indonesia is expected to create a generation that is resilient, productive, and able to contribute to national development. The concrete steps taken by the government under the direction of President Prabowo are an important foundation for realizing this ideal.
The war on drugs is a collective struggle that requires the involvement of all parties. President Prabowo believes that with a strong commitment and close cooperation, Indonesia can become a nation free from drugs, providing bright hope for the future of the next generation. This is a real step to make Indonesia a healthier, safer, and more dignified nation in the eyes of the world.
)* Social Policy Observer – Madani Institute Social Institution

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