Collaboration between Community and Authorities is Key to Eradicating Drugs

By: Ananda Prameswari )*
Efforts to eradicate drugs in Indonesia continue to be strengthened through close cooperation between various agencies. Collaboration between the community and the authorities is a key element in creating an environment free from the threat of drugs. With this approach, eradication is not only the task of the authorities, but also the shared responsibility of all elements of society.
In West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Province, cross-party cooperation is the main foundation in handling the drug problem. Senior Commissioner Pol. Deddy Supriadi, Director of Drugs at the NTB Regional Police, emphasized the need for a holistic approach in eradicating drugs. The NTB Regional Police adopted three main strategies, namely pre-emptive, preventive, and repressive. Although constrained by budget constraints, he ensured that these steps remain the main focus.
Collaboration between the NTB Regional Police, BNN, NGOs, youth organizations, and the community is a strategic step in suppressing the circulation of narcotics in NTB. Senior Commissioner Pol. Deddy explained that the use of information from the community is the basis for implementing operations such as undercover buy and controlled delivery. However, challenges such as lack of evidence often become obstacles. He added that evaluation and performance improvement remain the main focus in every step of the action.
On the other hand, Brigadier General Pol. Budi Sajidin, Head of the South Sulawesi Provincial National Narcotics Agency (BNNP), emphasized his strong commitment to combating drug trafficking in his region. During the period 2021 to 2024, there was a significant spike in the number of cases that were successfully uncovered and the actions taken. As a strategic effort to create a region free from illegal drug trafficking, BNNP South Sulawesi initiated the “Bersinar” or Clean Drugs program. Brigadier General Pol. Budi also emphasized the importance of active community participation in supporting eradication efforts.
Throughout 2024, BNNP South Sulawesi together with related partners managed to uncover 34 drug cases with a total of 37 case files. Of these, 22 cases have reached the trial stage, while 15 other cases are still under further investigation. These cases involved 35 suspects, consisting of 33 men and 2 women.
The confiscated evidence included 1,120.53 grams of crystal methamphetamine, 29,805.79 grams of marijuana, 460 mephedrone pills, 325,275 grams of synthetic tobacco, and 215.47 grams of marijuana cookies. With the support of various parties, efforts to realize a Drug-Free Indonesia are increasingly real, especially in areas that are a priority for eradication.
The Directorate General of Customs and Excise (DJBC) also reported significant achievements in efforts to eradicate narcotics. Data on narcotics, psychotropics, and precursors (NPP) Customs actions until December 31, 2024 showed success in preventing 7.4 tons of narcotics from entering Indonesia. This achievement increased from 2023 weighing 6.0 tons and 2022 weighing 6.1 tons. Customs thwarted 1,448 NPP smuggling attempts, an increase from actions in 2023 of 953 cases and 2022 with 941 cases.
Head of Public Relations and Customs Counseling Sub-Directorate, Budi Prasetiyo, explained that eradicating narcotics trafficking continues to be a national priority. Customs plays a role as the vanguard in supervising the entry and exit of goods across countries, with a focus on securing vulnerable areas and borders to ward off threats from transnational crime organizations, including drug smuggling. This supervision is in accordance with the mandate of Law Number 17 of 2006 concerning Customs.
Customs’ efforts in preventing drug smuggling throughout 2024 include the implementation of the Joint Task Force on Narcotics 2024 with the Royal Malaysian Customs Department (RMCD) and the Joint Patrol to Eradicate Drug Syndicates (Patma Bersinar) 2024 with the National Police, BNN, and BPOM. In these operations, Customs managed to secure various types of narcotics, including crystal methamphetamine, marijuana, ecstasy, and cocaine. All of these activities aim to strengthen national and international cooperation in preventing and handling transnational crime.
Budi Prasetiyo emphasized that illicit drug trafficking and abuse are serious threats that can weaken Indonesia’s human resources and become an underground economy that is detrimental to the country. Joint efforts between the government and the community are believed to be able to create a healthier Indonesia that is free from the threat of drugs.
Collaboration between the community and the authorities in eradicating narcotics is not only an option, but a necessity that cannot be postponed. The success of eradicating narcotics in Indonesia, as seen from the various significant achievements of law enforcement officers and related institutions, shows that cross-sector synergy is indeed the main key. However, this hard work will never be enough without the full support of the community.
The community has a strategic role, from providing accurate initial information to participating in drug abuse prevention programs. Active participation of residents, local organizations, and youth are important elements that can strengthen these eradication efforts. By supporting and trusting the steps of law enforcement officers, the community indirectly becomes the vanguard in creating an environment free from the threat of drugs.
Through synergy that continues to be strengthened, the hope of realizing a Drug-Free Indonesia is becoming more real. Cooperation involving officials, government agencies, and the community is the key to success in creating a healthy and safe environment from the threat of drugs. Let us together support this effort, for a better future for future generations.
)* The author is a Media Space Contributor