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Cross-Agency Collaboration: Increasing the Effectiveness of Handling International Drug Networks


JAKARTA  – The Indonesian government is increasingly strengthening synergy between agencies to improve the effectiveness of handling problems in facing the major challenge of international drug trafficking. The Head of the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) Commissioner General of Police Marthinus Hukom said that the collaboration involving the BNN, the Indonesian National Police (Polri), the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI), and Customs and Excise continues to show positive results in eradicating drug networks, especially in border areas and other strategic routes
. According to him, this collaboration is key in monitoring border routes that are often used as entry points by international drug networks.
“Guarding border routes between countries has many factors that make it difficult to complete drug eradication in that area, because Indonesia has more than 108 thousand kilometers of coastline, plus many small islands,” said Commissioner General Marthinus.
Commissioner General Marthinus added that border areas have their own complexities that require strict supervision and continuous cooperation. Through integrated patrols and cross-agency coordination, drug eradication measures in this vulnerable area continue to be increased.
The Indonesian National Police also showed its commitment through aggressive steps against international drug lords. Chief of Police General of Police Drs. Listyo Sigit Prabowo explained that the pursuit of large networks, including targets such as Fredy Pratama, is a top priority.
“Of course, I am currently ordering the Head of Criminal Investigation and Head of the Hubinter Division to continue carrying out activities, in this case both with Interpol and with police-to-police activities, to continue pursuing Fredy Pratama’s whereabouts,” said General Listyo.
This cross-country pursuit involves close coordination with Interpol and other international authorities, as a real form of the National Police’s determination to break the chain of drug distribution that is damaging Indonesia’s young generation.
These steps have yielded significant results, including the disclosure of a large number of networks affiliated with international syndicates. The arrest of drug syndicate members is not only proof of success, but also a strong signal that Indonesia will not back down in the war against drugs.
Efforts to secure border areas are also an important priority in eradicating drugs. One real example is the joint patrol carried out by the RI-Malaysia Border Security Task Force Yonzipur 5/ABW together with the Immigration Office and other related agencies. Lieutenant Czi Muammar Ghadafi, Head of Operations for the RI-Malaysia Border Security Task Force, expressed his commitment to maintaining security in the border area.
“We are committed to continue guarding the border and improving coordination with other agencies, especially in facing increasingly complex security challenges, including smuggling and drugs,” said Lieutenant Ghadafi.
He also emphasized that this joint patrol will continue to be carried out periodically. This shows that security in the border area is not only reactive, but also preventive, with the aim of creating a deterrent effect for perpetrators of transnational crimes.
“In the future, this joint patrol activity will continue to be carried out periodically to ensure that the border remains safe and under control,” he added.

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