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Drug Eradication is President Prabowo’s Government’s Top Priority


By: Firman Alif )*

President Prabowo Subianto’s administration prioritizes drug eradication as part of its commitment to maintaining the security and well-being of Indonesian society. This effort involves various ministries and institutions, with very close coordination, to tackle drug trafficking throughout the country.

As a concrete step in this eradication effort, the government has formed a drug desk, a forum that coordinates various parties in handling drug problems in a more structured and effective manner. The drug desk aims to strengthen synergy between related institutions, such as the police, the National Narcotics Agency (BNN), related ministries, and the community, to overcome drug distribution and abuse.

The establishment of the drug desk is also part of a broader strategy, which not only focuses on law enforcement, but also includes prevention and rehabilitation. Through the drug desk, the government can design more targeted policies, monitor developments in the situation more efficiently, and implement prevention and rehabilitation programs for drug victims. In addition, the drug desk also functions to strengthen cooperation with other countries in combating international networks involved in drug trafficking.

National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, who leads the drug eradication desk, ensured that this eradication is not only the responsibility of one institution, but involves 24 ministries and state institutions. In this effort, the Coordinating Ministry for Political and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) acts as the controlling director, while the National Police Chief acts as the desk head and the Criminal Investigation Unit Chief as the daily head. This approach shows how important synergy between government institutions is in tackling the drug problem in Indonesia.

Meanwhile, success in eradicating drugs requires integrated and continuous steps. One of them is the development of strong and effective intelligence. The Head of the BNN RI, Commissioner General of Police. Marthinus Hukom, in a limited leadership meeting held in Bogor, West Java, emphasized the need for integration between human intelligence (human-intel) and intelligence technology (techno-intel) to create more accurate and effective analysis. To that end, the BNN is committed to continuing to produce quality intelligence, as well as increasing collaboration with other institutions to strengthen efforts to eradicate narcotics.

Prevention efforts through intelligence must also be balanced with a comprehensive rehabilitation program for drug users. BNN has two main approaches in the rehabilitation program, namely voluntary and mandatory rehabilitation. In this case, BNN seeks to ensure that rehabilitation centers work well and are free from abuse practices. The government also encourages people involved in drug abuse to report themselves voluntarily for help, in the hope of overcoming the drug problem from the grassroots.

This multidimensional approach to drug eradication does not only focus on enforcement, but also on public awareness. Marthinus Hukom also suggested that BNN strengthen collaboration with customary law in areas that still hold fast to traditional values. Customary law is considered effective in building public awareness of the dangers of drugs, while positive law plays a role in enforcing stricter rules.

In terms of law enforcement, the Ministry of Immigration and Corrections (Kemimipas) also plays an important role in eradicating drugs, especially in the correctional system. One of the firm steps taken by Kemimipas is the transfer of high-risk drug convicts to Nusakambangan. This transfer is carried out under strict supervision, and the aim is to maintain the integrity of the prison system and break the chain of drug networks that may develop in prison. This is also a firm message for drug criminals who try to take advantage of the prison and detention center systems to run their narcotics business operations.

Head of the Banten Kemimipas Regional Office, Jalu Yuswa Panjang, explained that the transfer of prisoners to Nusakambangan aims to create a safer prison and detention center environment. He emphasized that this step is part of the government’s real efforts to maintain the integrity of the prison and ensure that drug dealers do not have room to continue their actions. With stricter supervision in Nusakambangan, it is hoped that the chain of drug distribution in prison can be broken.

With various policies and strategic steps taken, the Prabowo Subianto government has shown its seriousness in eradicating drugs, maintaining the integrity of law enforcement officers, and protecting the Indonesian people from the dangers posed by narcotics. A comprehensive approach, from strengthening intelligence to rehabilitation, as well as strict supervision of the correctional system, is the main foundation in sustainable drug eradication efforts.

In addition, the steps taken by the government in combating drugs show seriousness in protecting the next generation of the nation from the negative impacts caused by narcotics, as well as providing new hope for the community to live in a safer and healthier environment. By continuing to intensify the eradication of drugs in all sectors, the Indonesian government hopes to create a society that is freer from the threat of drugs, which can ultimately support the realization of a more advanced and prosperous Indonesia.

)* Contributor to the Youth Anti-Drug Movement (GERAM)

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