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Government Committed to Eradicating Online Gambling Through Digital Education


JAKARTA – The government continues to demonstrate its commitment to eradicating online gambling (judol) by increasing the digital literacy of the community. Minister of Communication and Digital (Menkomdigi), Meutya Hafid, said that a more comprehensive approach is needed to address this problem.

“We continue to strengthen steps in improving digital literacy, because overcoming online gambling cannot only rely on a technological approach,” said Meutya.

According to Meutya, by strengthening digital literacy, it is hoped that the public can better understand the negative impacts caused by online gambling, such as material losses to being caught up in legal problems. Online gambling activities themselves violate Article 27 paragraph (2) of Law Number 1 of 2024 concerning the Second Amendment to Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions (ITE).

“According to the rules, the prohibition is clear and firm because it is a violation, and there are even legal sanctions,” he added.

The Ministry of Communication and Digital also collaborates with local governments and various communities to intensify these efforts. This collaboration includes 8,000 Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Volunteers and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that focus on strengthening digital literacy.

In addition, Meutya said that the Ministry of Communication and Digital is also focused on creating an internet environment that is friendly to children.

“We have to collaborate with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that focus on children’s issues, because the government cannot act alone,” he said.

Universitas Brawijaya (UB) also supports the government’s efforts to eradicate online gambling and illegal online loans (pinjol). In an official declaration read by UB Chancellor, Prof. Widodo, the university emphasized its commitment to creating a digital ecosystem that supports cyber security.

“This declaration is real evidence of the role of Universitas Brawijaya in the academic community to produce a young generation that excels in the digital field,” said Widodo.

Meutya Hafid expressed her appreciation for UB’s pioneering steps in supporting the eradication of digital crime. She emphasized the importance of the role of educational institutions in building public awareness of the negative impacts of technology abuse, which is expected to be an example for other institutions in creating a safe and healthy digital ecosystem in Indonesia.


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