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Government Warns of Negative Impacts of Online Gambling Causing Mental and Financial Damage


JAKARTA – Pasar Minggu Police Chief, Anggiat Sinambela, provided an explanation regarding the rampant practice of online gambling which is now increasingly developing, especially among people who use internet access. According to Anggiat, online gambling is a game that uses money as a bet with certain provisions, which is carried out via the internet. This is increasingly easy to reach because of the various applications and websites that offer online gambling games.

Anggiat Sinambela revealed that the regions with the highest levels of online gambling practices in Indonesia are West Java, Jakarta, Central Java, Banten, and East Java. “Online gambling is very disturbing, not only because it violates the law, but also because of its very bad impact on society, both individually and socially,” he said.

Pasar Minggu Police Chief explained some of the negative impacts of online gambling, including mental health disorders, financial damage, and increased potential for criminal acts. “Online gambling often causes perpetrators to get caught up in serious financial problems, and worse, can trigger criminal behavior. In fact, many cases show the relationship between online gambling and increasing divorce rates and family problems,” he continued.

Furthermore, Anggiat also reminded that the more extreme impact of online gambling is the increased risk of suicide among players who are trapped in gambling addiction. “Many victims of online gambling feel depressed because they lose money or are unable to control their habits. This is a problem that must be addressed seriously,” he added.

Meanwhile, there is a complaint service for the public who want to report online gambling cases, they can contact the service via Whatsapp with the number 085283555830, Email forumindonesiaemas@gmail.com, and Instagram with the account @fie_indonesiaemas, and Telegram t.me/ForumIndonesiaEmas.

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