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OPM Again Commits Brutal Action Against Security Forces in Puncak Jaya


Jakarta – The brutal action experienced by Polsek Ilu personnel, Bripka Arif Hidayat, has once again emphasized the cruelty of the terror acts allegedly carried out by the Free Papua Movement (OPM). This action took place on Sunday (27/10/2024), at around 13.12 WIT, in Kampung 55, Ilu District, Puncak Jaya.
Bripka Arif left the Polsek Ilu Headquarters to pick up goods at a kiosk in Kampung 55, Ilu District, Puncak Jaya. Bripka Arif was slashed by two unknown persons (OTK) using a machete, resulting in serious injuries to the head and critical condition. This incident occurred when
the Head of Public Relations of the Papua Police, Kombes Ignatius Benny Ady Prabowo, confirmed the slashing incident which resulted in Bripka Arif having to be immediately referred to the Jayapura Bhayangkara Hospital.
“The criminal act of serious assault committed by OTK against Polsek Ilu personnel is currently under investigation,” said Benny.
Meanwhile, Puncak Jaya Police Chief, AKBP Kuswara, explained that Bripka Arif had a chat with the two perpetrators who suddenly attacked without warning. Until now, the police are still pursuing the two perpetrators who are suspected of being linked to a separatist terrorist group.
“The two OTK emerged from the kiosk on the left belonging to the victim. After attacking, the perpetrators immediately fled,” he said.
For information, this is not the first time an attack on Polri personnel has occurred in the Central Papua region. On September 26, 2024, the Ilu Police also experienced a shooting incident that killed Brigadier First Class Kiki Supriyadi. At that time, four members of the Ilu Police who were crossing the Pagargom River, Kalome District, were shot by a group strongly suspected of being from the OPM network.
This act of violence has created fear and instability in Papua, disturbed civil society, and become a major challenge to national security. The Papua Police have tightened security and increased law enforcement efforts to take firm action against separatist groups operating in the region.
The government’s efforts to uphold the country’s sovereignty continue to receive support from various parties. It is hoped that synergy between security forces and the community can reduce acts of terror that not only threaten the authorities but also the peace of local residents.

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