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Prabowo-Gibran Government Pushes for Rehabilitation as an Effective Approach to Handling Drugs


By: Andika Pratama )*

In facing the major challenges of drug abuse in Indonesia, the rehabilitation approach has emerged as a strategic solution that can provide a holistic impact. Based on data from the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) in 2023, there were 3.3 million drug abusers in Indonesia, with a prevalence rate of 1.73 percent. This problem not only burdens the legal and health sectors, but also creates broad social impacts. The overcapacity of correctional institutions (prisons), with more than 123,000 inmates related to drug cases, is clear evidence of the need for a more humane and sustainable strategy. 

Rehabilitation is not just a medical solution, but also a way to prevent recurrence of crimes and break the cycle of addiction. One significant step is the evaluation of Joint Regulation Number 1 of 2014, which regulates the handling of addicts and victims of drug abuse through rehabilitation institutions. 

Head of BNN, Inspector General of Police Marthinus Hukom, emphasized the importance of a rehabilitation approach that not only focuses on user recovery, but also on strengthening synergy between stakeholders. An integrated assessment conducted on more than 8,000 drug suspects from January to October 2024 showed that more than half of them were recommended to undergo inpatient or outpatient rehabilitation. This confirms that the rehabilitation approach is more effective than detention in prison which often gives rise to new problems, such as users learning crime methods. This approach is not only limited to reducing health and legal impacts, but also provides an empowerment dimension. 

The Head of the Golkar Faction of the North Kalimantan DPRD, Hj. Aluh Berlian, encouraged the establishment of a rehabilitation facility that also functions as a skills training center. This is an important step to ensure that abusers who have been rehabilitated have the opportunity to live a normal and productive life. Skills training during rehabilitation not only helps them recover, but also gives them new hope for the future. The approach that combines medical recovery and social empowerment, provides a positive long-term effect on the community.

Meanwhile, the Head of the District Attorney’s Office, Dwi Astuti Beniyati, said that her office saw the importance of establishing a rehabilitation center to handle drug users effectively. Dwi also emphasized that mixing users and dealers in one correctional institution is counterproductive. Users who should be rehabilitated are at risk of learning new crime techniques from dealers. Therefore, the construction of a rehabilitation center in Bekasi Regency is a strategic step that not only helps solve the problem of overcapacity in prisons, but also creates a more humane handling approach. The local government’s support for this plan shows a commitment to addressing the drug problem from the root of the problem.

However, challenges in implementing the rehabilitation approach still exist, including the lack of adequate facilities in various regions. Support from the central and regional governments is key to realizing this solution. Not only physical facilities need to be improved, but also the provision of competent medical personnel, psychologists, and counselors. On the other hand, the community must also be involved in the recovery process. The stigma against former abusers is often a major obstacle to their social reintegration. Public education and campaigns that emphasize the importance of rehabilitation as a rescue measure and not a punishment must continue to be encouraged.

The rehabilitation approach has also been proven to be able to suppress the demand for narcotics in society. This decrease in demand will have a direct impact on reducing the illicit trafficking of narcotics. Therefore, rehabilitation policies need to be integrated into the national drug prevention strategy. The BNN has shown a strong commitment in this regard through strategic discussions and integrated assessments, but this step must be supported by all parties, including law enforcement officers, health institutions, and the wider community.

The success of the rehabilitation approach will not only reduce the burden on the state, but also save the future of the younger generation. As one of the groups most vulnerable to drug abuse, the younger generation must be the main focus of the rehabilitation campaign. Through good education, effective prevention campaigns, and adequate rehabilitation facilities, drug abuse can be significantly reduced. Collaboration between the government, the private sector, and the community is key to achieving this goal.

The government continues to promote policies based on a rehabilitation approach as an effective solution. In the long term, rehabilitation will not only reduce the number of drug users, but also save state costs in law enforcement and prison management. This approach provides an opportunity to create a healthier, more productive, and more prosperous society. When drug users are given a second chance to recover, they are also given the opportunity to contribute back to society. By prioritizing rehabilitation, Indonesia can take a big step in combating the drug threat that continues to haunt the nation.

In addition, rehabilitation efforts integrated with skills training and economic empowerment can have a positive impact on society. Former users who have successfully recovered and have new skills can be an inspiration for others who are struggling with addiction. Furthermore, this step also supports sustainable development targets, especially in the aspects of health, education, and poverty alleviation. When rehabilitation is carried out comprehensively, its impact will be felt not only by individual users, but also by their families and society as a whole.

)* The author is a contributor to JabarTrigger.com

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