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President Prabowo Affirms His Staff Will Go All Out to Eradicate Online Gambling Without Collusion


Jakarta – President Prabowo’s concrete steps in eradicating the practice of Online Gambling (Judol) have received appreciation from many parties. The government under Prabowo’s leadership is considered firm and even all out in its efforts to eliminate Online Gambling in the country.

Cyber ​​Law Expert from the University of Indonesia, Intan Pratama, said that the government’s transparent steps in exposing online gambling practices within the government environment deserve appreciation.

“This transparency is important so that the public understands the government’s commitment to taking firm action against violations of the law,” said Intan.

According to him, the arrest of a number of employees shows the government’s seriousness in cleaning up institutions from practices that are not in accordance with the rules.

“The government needs to continue to strengthen legal sanctions so that they can serve as a clear warning to all state officials, so that a clean government is created that is free from illegal activities,” he added.

In line with Intan Pratama, the Executive Director of the Indonesian Digital Consumer Institute (LKDI) Abdu Kholik, M.Si also expressed his appreciation for President Prabowo’s full support in eradicating Judol.

“The Prabowo Government’s swift action and firmness were evident in the arrest of dozens of Ministry of Communication and Information employees involved in the case of protecting thousands of online gambling sites,” he said.

For your information, in the Plenary Cabinet Session at the Presidential Office, Central Jakarta, President Prabowo Subianto emphasized that there should be no collusion or protection against online gambling perpetrators.

This was stated by the Minister of Communication and Digital (Menkomdigi) Meutya Hafid.

“As a form of commitment, Menkomdigi will form an Online Gambling Handling Working Team together with the ecosystem of electronic system and media organizers. This team is a form of optimizing the blocking of negative content,” said Menkomdigi Meutya.

He added that handling online gambling content is one of the short-term programs of the Ministry of Communication and Digital (Kementerian Komdigi).

President Subianto, continued Meutya, emphasized that the lower classes often become victims so the state needs to pay special attention.

“He emphasized cross-ministerial and institutional cooperation to eradicate this problem completely,” he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK), Ivan Yustiavandana, revealed that his party recorded that the turnover of money related to online gambling during the second semester of 2024 reached IDR 283 trillion, up from the first semester.

“So, if in the past people did online gambling, the transaction was in the millions. Well, now it can be Rp10,000, we have seen someone can gamble. That’s what makes the transaction more massive,” he said.

In fact, he continued, currently there is a phenomenon of online gambling players setting aside up to 70% of their income for gambling deposits.

“Well, this is interesting, the use of online gambling funds compared to income, if we look at people’s income compared to some of what they use, almost 70% of their legal income is used for online gambling,” he explained.

Previously, the Head of the Presidential Palace Communications Office, Hasan Nasbi, at the Presidential Palace Complex, also said that when holding a Plenary Cabinet Session at the President’s Office, Prabowo wanted all ministers to seriously handle online gambling (judol), drugs, smuggling and corruption.

“President Prabowo also asked the police and the Attorney General to have the courage to enforce fair laws without exception regarding online gambling, drugs, smuggling and corruption,” said Hasan Nasbi.

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