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Reflection on World Human Rights Day, Appreciating the Government’s Positive Steps to Guarantee Justice and Equality


By: Sari Dewi Anggraini )*

The momentum of World Human Rights Day (HAM) which is commemorated every December 10 is an important reflection for Indonesia’s journey in ensuring justice and equality. The concrete steps taken by the government in this effort have reflected a serious commitment to fulfilling the basic rights of citizens. 

During the administration of President Prabowo Subianto, various strategic policies showed significant progress in implementing human rights values ​​at the national level.

One initiative that deserves appreciation is the establishment of the Ministry of Human Rights (HAM). According to former member of Komnas HAM for the 2012-2017 period, Siane Indriani, the establishment of the ministry was a historic step that had never existed before. This step reflects President Prabowo’s seriousness in presenting a more concrete approach to the enforcement, protection, and fulfillment of human rights. 

President Prabowo has given special attention to fulfilling economic, social, and cultural (EKOSOB) rights as a top priority. This can be seen from programs such as providing three million houses for low-income communities, increasing the regional minimum wage by 6.5 percent, and increasing teacher allowances. These programs are part of the government’s efforts to ensure that the basic rights of the community are properly fulfilled.

In the context of respect for human rights, the principle of non-discrimination has always been the main foundation. Siane emphasized that the development of a just and civilized nation must be based on respect for human rights regardless of social, cultural, religious, or other identity backgrounds. The implementation of this principle is reflected in various government policies that are inclusive and based on social justice.

The Minister of Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia, Natalius Pigai, also underlined the importance of making human rights a main pillar in national development. On various occasions, he said that development based on human rights values ​​will produce fairer and more sustainable policies. 

Pigai also emphasized the importance of synergy between the government and the community in implementing programs based on justice and equality. This is in line with the grand vision of Asta Cita initiated by President Prabowo.  

The Ministry of Human Rights, under the leadership of Natalius Pigai, is formulating a strategic policy to strengthen human rights protection in Indonesia. The policy aims to provide guidance for various parties, from the government to civil society, in carrying out obligations towards respecting and fulfilling human rights. 

Pigai highlighted the role of media, especially cyber media, as a bridge between the government and society to convey important messages about human rights. The media is expected to continue to voice the values ​​of justice and national solidarity.

In supporting human rights-based development, Natalius said that every policy must be based on the values ​​of justice, democracy, and peace. His long experience in the bureaucratic world gives the ministry an advantage in implementing programs that support public welfare. This is in line with the government’s commitment to ensuring that every individual in Indonesia can enjoy their rights fairly and equally.

The Chairperson of Komnas HAM, Atnike Nova Sigiro, also expressed a similar view regarding the close relationship between human rights and social welfare. She emphasized that human rights are not only related to legal norms, but are also an integral part of the welfare of the nation. According to her, the state’s goal to advance public welfare as stated in the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution is a real form of respect for human rights.

Atnike explained that economic, social, and cultural (EKOSOB) rights play an important role in creating decent social and economic conditions for all citizens. The rights to work, education, health, and housing, according to her, must be fulfilled gradually through the concept of  progressive realization . The government has a responsibility to optimize available resources to achieve the fulfillment of these rights.

He also stressed that ecosoc rights cannot be separated from civil and political rights. Both complement each other and are the foundation for the government’s efforts to fulfill its obligations towards human rights. 

In this context, various policies taken by the government, including the establishment of the Ministry of Culture, reflect a holistic approach to fulfilling the basic rights of the people.

International Human Rights Day is a moment of reflection to see how far the country has progressed in guaranteeing the basic rights of its citizens. Positive steps taken by the government, from justice-based policies to welfare improvement programs, reflect a strong commitment to building a just and civilized nation. These efforts are not only real evidence of respect for human rights, but also serve as a foundation for the creation of strong national unity. 

With the support of all elements of society, it is hoped that these achievements will continue in order to realize Indonesia as a country that upholds the values ​​of humanity and social justice. 

Reflection on World Human Rights Day is a reminder that the struggle for justice and equality is a shared responsibility. The government has taken a big step, and the hope for the future is that every party can contribute to strengthening the foundation of human rights as the main pillar of national and state life.

)* National Political Observer – Mandala Raya Political Forum

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