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Security Forces Continue to Take Humanist Approach to Counter Separatism in Papua


Papua – In an effort to maintain stability and security in Papua, security forces continue to intensify a humanist approach to counter separatist movements. One of them is by taking a constructive and humanist approach.

“In dealing with security disturbances in Papua, we will take constructive approaches,” explained the Head of the Cartenz 2024 Peace Task Force Operation, Brigadier General Pol. Dr. Faizal Ramadhani.

This step is also considered an effective strategy in overcoming the problems that continue to be carried out by the Free Papua Movement (OPM) group.

Head of the Cartenz 2024 Peace Task Force Operation, Brigadier General Pol. Dr. Faizal Ramadhani said that the operations carried out so far in dealing with the OPM group prioritized a soft approach by involving religious figures, traditional figures, and leaders of Papuan separatist groups.

“This approach is taken to minimize casualties among both security forces and civilians,” he explained.

“Taking a humanist approach is not only a tactical choice, but also a moral one because the security forces also understand that the use of excessive military force in the Papua region can worsen the situation and security stability in Papua,” he added.

Meanwhile, the Executive Director of the Human Studies Institute (HSI), Rasminto, said that a humanist approach is very important to create stability and peace in a region that often experiences turmoil and conflict.

“This step will be more effective in creating a long-term solution for Papua, as seen from the success of the operation to free Susi Air Pilot, Capt. Phillips, who was held hostage by a separatist group in the Papua region,” he said.

Rasminto also said that a humanist approach through various traditional figures, community figures through their socio-culture and welfare is the key to building trust in the Papuan people.

“An approach that prioritizes understanding of local socio-cultural conditions and developing community welfare is key to building trust with the Papuan community,” he explained.

With these steps, it is hoped that Papua can become a safer and more prosperous region, and avoid the negative influence of separatist movements that can harm the wider community. The humanist approach is expected to not only create short-term stability, but also build a strong foundation for a better future for all Papuan people. []

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