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Synergy of Various Agencies in Eradicating Drugs


Mataram, NTB – Efforts to eradicate drugs in Indonesia are increasingly intensive through synergy between various related agencies. One real example of this cross-sector collaboration occurred in the Province of West Nusa Tenggara.
The Director of Drugs at the NTB Police, Senior Commissioner Pol. Deddy Supriadi, emphasized the importance of a comprehensive approach in dealing with the drug problem. Senior Commissioner Pol. Deddy explained that the NTB Police adopted three main strategies: pre-emptive, preventive, and repressive. Despite the limited budget, he emphasized that drug eradication remains a top priority.
“Synergy between agencies is needed in eradicating drugs. We cannot work alone. Cooperation between the NTB Police, BNN, NGOs, youth organizations, and the community is the key to achieving a common goal, namely reducing drug trafficking in NTB,” he said.
The success of drug eradication is also influenced by the validation of public information. In every operation, the NTB Police use the undercover buy and controlled delivery methods to dismantle drug networks. However, the biggest challenge often faced is the lack of sufficient evidence. However, Deddy reminded that periodic evaluation and performance improvement remain the main focus in every step taken.
Meanwhile, the Head of the South Sulawesi Provincial National Narcotics Agency (BNNP) Brigadier General Pol. Budi Sajidin emphasized his full commitment to eradicating drug trafficking in his region. “During 2021 to 2024, there has been an increase in quantity and also action,” said Brigadier General Pol. Budi
Brigadier General Pol. Budi expressed his hope that all components of society can be actively involved in helping the South Sulawesi BNNP in handling this problem. His party is committed to making South Sulawesi a region that is free from the black market and drug abuse through the “Bersinar” or Clean from Drugs program.
During 2024, the performance achievements of the South Sulawesi BNNP together with other stakeholders include the disclosure of 34 reports of drug crimes with 37 case files. A total of 22 files have entered the trial stage, while 15 other cases are still under investigation. Of these cases, there are 35 suspects, consisting of 33 men and 2 women.
The evidence confiscated by the South Sulawesi BNNP includes 1,120.53 grams of crystal methamphetamine, 29,805.79 grams of marijuana, 460 mephedrone pills, 325,275 grams of synthetic tobacco, and 215.47 grams of marijuana cookies. With the support of various parties, the hope of realizing a drug-free Indonesia is increasingly real, especially in areas that are still the focus of eradication. {*}

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