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The Government is Committed to Distribute Food Aid and Protect the Papuan People from KST


By : Saby Kossay )*

Due to being constrained by extreme weather factors to the fact that there is terrain that is difficult to reach, this has not at all discouraged the strong commitment of the Government of Indonesia to be able to ensure and distribute food or logistical assistance to all victims affected by the drought in Puncak Papua, as well as in on the other hand, they also continue to strive for maximum protection from threats to the security of KST Papua.

The Coordinating Minister for Politics, Law and Security (Menko Polhukam RI), Mahfud MD stated that there were obstacles to efforts to send aid carried out by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia to a number of districts in Puncak Regency, Central Papua Province which are currently experiencing disasters in the form of drought and famine. .

He said that the obstacle was due to weather and terrain factors. Despite these two obstacles, in fact the government and a number of related institutions and ministries, including the ranks of the joint personnel security apparatus such as the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI), the Indonesian National Police (Polri) to the State Intelligence Agency (BIN), are also assisted by the local Regional Government (Pemda) has prepared assistance in a very optimal and maximum way.

The assistance that was distributed to all victims affected by the drought in Puncak Papua Regency continues to be provided or distributed by the government regardless of how and whatever hinders and becomes an obstacle, especially during an emergency response period like this.

It is known that indeed the obstacles that occurred when distributing logistical or food assistance to the victims of the drought were due to extreme weather and very difficult terrain to reach, so only small planes could enter.

In fact, sometimes the weather can change suddenly, while on the other hand the planes that can enter there are small planes because they only have a runway of only 600 meters. For small planes themselves, of course they will not be able to fly carelessly because they are also very dependent on the conditions and weather situation in that region.

Not only because the weather is very extreme and can change immediately in a moment, but another obstacle is the terrain which is difficult to reach. This is because aid that had previously been sent by air had to continue to travel by land first. Even so, the Government of Indonesia still has a very strong commitment to continue distributing aid in various ways.

The description of the terrain conditions there is that when the food and logistics aid has successfully landed, it must also be distributed by land, which must pass through various villages that are lunging with some that are at altitude. Everything still had to be delivered even though they were scattered, the aid was carried on their shoulders, carried and in other ways so that they could reach even the most remote places.

In addition, the Government of Indonesia has also ensured that there are absolutely no disturbances or threats from the Papuan Separatist and Terrorist Group (KST) in the effort to distribute this aid. This is because all levels of the security apparatus from the joint personnel themselves have carried out very strict and maximum guard in various districts.

Moreover, there has also been an agreement between many parties such as the Acting (Pj) Governor, Regent, TNI, traditional leaders, religious leaders to community leaders who have agreed to be able to guarantee security and to take part in ensuring that any assistance distributed to drought-affected communities it can arrive safely and be delivered directly to the community so that each aid can land safely in the district.

Meanwhile, the Commander of the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI), Admiral Yudo Margono also emphasized that there was absolutely no interference by the Papuan Separatist and Terrorist Group (KST) which hindered the government’s efforts to distribute food or logistical aid to all affected residents. drought disaster in Puncak Papua.

All security forces from the joint military, police and BIN personnel have all been on high alert to be able to oversee the maximum distribution of aid to residents affected by the drought disaster, so that the separatist gang will not dare and cannot interfere.

The obstacles mentioned did not come from other parties such as the disturbance of security threats made by KST Papua, but these obstacles were due to very extreme weather such as winter and also very thick fog. However, this did not dampen efforts to distribute aid and now some of them are starting to be accepted by the community.

The strong commitment possessed by the Government of Indonesia and all parties including the security forces to continue distributing food or logistical assistance despite obstacles in the form of extreme weather and difficult terrain, and on the other hand continuing to ensure the safety of Papuans from KST threats is indeed worth giving very big appreciation.

)* Papuan students live in Yogyakarta

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