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War on Online Gambling: President Prabowo’s Priority is Maintaining National Morals and Security


By: Gusti Ayu Putri Alviana *)

The development of digital technology in the modern era brings convenience and opens up opportunities for illegal activities that threaten national security, one of which is online gambling. President Prabowo Subianto and related officials such as the Chief of Police General Listyo Sigit Prabowo and the Minister of Communication and Digital of Indonesia Meutya Hafid have now declared open war against online gambling. This commitment has been accompanied by real steps, measurable strategies, and strong coordination between agencies to maintain the morale, security, and stability of the nation. This effort also reflects the government’s priority in protecting the younger generation and keeping the vision of Indonesia Emas 2045 on the right track.

National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo emphasized that online gambling is a serious threat to national development and the younger generation. He revealed that Judol or online gambling is classified as a crime that significantly damages morals and the economy, and endangers the next generation of the nation. He also stated that online gambling has a negative impact on the future of the nation because the younger generation, which is the main target, is increasingly eroded in its moral values.

The Chief of Police has instructed the police to increase vigilance and prepare an eradication plan for drugs and online gambling. Mapping drug entry routes to strict action against drug villages and new crime modes are referred to as the main strategies in dealing with this threat. The Chief of Police also emphasized that the Police will fully support the Asta Cita of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Prabowo Subianto and has prepared a work program to support government policies in achieving the vision of Indonesia Emas 2045.

Indonesian Minister of Communication and Digital (Menkomdigi) Meutya Hafid expressed her commitment to continuing the efforts to eradicate online gambling that had been started by her predecessor, Budi Arie Setiadi. Meutya emphasized that her ministry’s focus is to continue the struggle to eradicate online gambling which has been proven to harm the community. According to data from the Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK), online gambling transactions have reached trillions of rupiah since 2017 until now, with a significant impact on the national economy.

Through two deputy ministers, Angga Raka Prabowo and Nezar Patria, the Ministry of Communication and Digital will focus on eradicating online gambling, equalizing internet access, and protecting personal data. Meutya Hafid emphasized the importance of maintaining digital security as the era changes to an increasingly technology-based era.

Bank Sumsel Babel also showed its commitment in combating online gambling through the holding of Focus Group Discussion. President Director of Bank Sumsel Babel, Achmad Syamsudin emphasized that his party supports the initiative to eradicate online gambling and seeks to protect the public from its negative impacts. He also emphasized the importance of collaboration between financial institutions and authorities in maintaining the integrity of the financial system.

Head of the Financial Services Authority (OJK) of South Sumatra and Bangka Belitung Provinces Arifin Susanto also conveyed the importance of synergy between supervisory institutions and banking to prevent online gambling practices. Arifin Susanto hopes that strong collaboration between related parties can create a safe and transparent financial environment, as well as maintain the stability of the banking sector from the risk of this illegal activity.

In carrying out its duties, the government through various agencies continues to promote programs aimed at eradicating illegal activities in the digital sector in order to achieve the vision of Indonesia Emas 2045. President Prabowo Subianto has shown his commitment to maintaining national security from the threat of digital crime such as online gambling. This is an important highlight in government policy to realize a safer, more prosperous, and more just future for the nation. The steps taken by the Chief of Police, the Minister of Communication and Digital, and financial institutions such as Bank Sumsel Babel show the government’s seriousness in maintaining the morals of the younger generation and preventing detrimental illegal activities.

The government has taken concrete steps in an effort to eradicate online gambling by cutting off access to illegal sites, blocking bank accounts suspected of being involved in gambling transactions, and collaborating with financial institutions to maintain the stability of the banking sector. This step not only inhibits the flow of funds to illegal gambling, but also becomes a preventive effort that can prevent people from getting caught up in detrimental activities.

Strong synergy between Kemenkomdigi, PPATK, OJK, and related agencies is a hope in strengthening the eradication of online gambling which has currently ensnared millions of Indonesians. With the support of various institutions, it is hoped that the country’s financial system can be protected from the negative impacts caused by this illegal activity. In addition, this step is also expected to create a safer and healthier digital environment for the community.

The commitment of the government and various agencies to eradicate online gambling is an important step that deserves appreciation. President Prabowo Subianto has shown seriousness in addressing this problem, so support from various parties is needed to maintain the morale and security of the nation. Eradicating online gambling is not an easy task, but through solid cooperation, the vision towards Indonesia Emas 2045 becomes more real and affordable for all Indonesian people.

*) The author is a contributor to the Nawasena Reading Room

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