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Morality and Social Control For Youth Generation

Morality and Social Control Among Youths
Morality and Social Control Among Youths

By: Widya Caterine P)*

 Jakarta – CIDISS. Morality, and social control has been linked for centuries. In fact, some argue that morality and social control derived from the dominant religious. In many communities the religion determines the correct behavior, behavioral construct, and builds a system of social control designed to enforce behavioral system. Morality and behavior is a unity that through social interaction people usually can establish a pattern of agreement governing principles of morality as well as a strong social control.

Social control are treated equally, taking into account the various types of controls, a different kind of organization of social control, whether social control are influenced by elite members of society, and whether a different impact on people differentiated by class, race / ethnicity, and gender.

Now we are in the digital era where social controls that regulate morality are needed. Especially with easy access to the internet as well as easy to upload the opinion or opinions or simply share your feelings through social media will greatly impact on public opinion. By building public opinion will certainly be impacted positively or negatively to the uploader.

In the context of morality in society is closely associated with social control. If a particular community made an agreement to agree to the behavior of other people, but in the opinion do not reach agreement then fell off a positive attitude control parameters.

For that social control is very influential in creating a system of morality in society, both national and state. The younger generation should not sweep a wave of radicalism that could destabilize the principles of nationhood and statehood.

*) The author is Jakarta Contributor

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