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One Village One Product through village-Owned Enterprises


By Choirul Fuadi

Government of Barito Utara keep trying their effort to accelerate the people prosperous in their region, villager in Lahei Barat district through village-owned enterprise. Today, there are around nine village-owned enterprises in there.

The development of village-owned enterprises aimed as place for service and economic product, which is managed by village.
Regent of Bupati Barito Utara, Central Kalimantan Province hope the village-owned enterprises will make true his dream about one village one product.

It is said by regent of Barito Utara regency, Nadalsyah about the concept of one village one product through village-owned enterprises.
“By the village-owned enterprises, it hope the concept of one village one product can be implement in each village of Barito Utara regency,” said him.

Nadalsyah said that his party will push his team to give hand and gather together in developing the village-owned enterprises in Lahei Barat district, in order the village-owned enterprises will run well.

Meanwhile, district head of Lahei Barat, Kastanto SE said that the village-owned enterprises in his region will be facilitated by his party, starting giving information and entrepreneurship training, also management training.

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