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Paliament Of South Sulawesi Supporting Gafatar

Paliament Of South Sulawesi Supporting GafatarAL-ISLAMIYAH

BY: Saiful*)

Makassar – Parliament (DPRD) of South Sulawesi supporting Movement Dawn of Nusantara (Gafatar) in reinterpretation and actualization of Pancasila to the peoples.

“Gafatar able to prove its existence in our society about the development of the understanding Pancasila and community programs,” said Chairman of the Parliament of South Sulawesi, H.M Roem, (20/2).

According to him, some people forbid Gafatar, but as long as it is positive for community activities and do not violate existing rule, the program can continue to run.

Chairman of the Council Gafatar Sulawesi, Ichwan Madjid also said they had been delivered the performance of social institutions for 3 years. “Gafatar have programs Food Security, Pancasila village project, and several other movements,” he said.

He explained that there are movements performed as 100 percent of the local food movement and independent food movement as well as the signing of a memorandum of understanding application of Pancasila at some point.

Ichwan argued that the condition of the nation’s increasingly chaotic encourage him to move to face the problem is quite complex, from the political, economic, social and even natural disasters that are happening.

“One reason is people have to leave and forget about God’s who role and protecting the universe,” said Ichwan.

This is the basis movement of Gafatar, we need to returning to our ideology of nation as well as the God for better Indonesia.

*) The Author Is Sulawesi Regional Contributors

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