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Affirming Commitment to Eradicating Corruption Employees, Minister of Finance: I will definitely be fired


Jakarta — The Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia, Sri Mulyani Indrawati firmly stated that she was able to apply the level of disciplinary punishment in the Ministry of Finance, namely by immediately dismissing problematic employees.

“At the level of disciplinary punishment, if I can fire, I will definitely fire,” he said.

In fact, he also added that every year there are always cases of problematic Ministry of Finance employees.

It was revealed that from 2018 to 2022 there were always several Ministry of Finance employees who were handed over to law enforcement.

In his dictionary, Sri Mulyani even considered that there was no term for honorably dismissing employees.

“According to ASN, it was a disaster. In my opinion, I do not respect. So I said, there is no word honorably discharged. Stop being disrespectful, I have no respect at all,” he said.

He gave an example of a case, namely a young executor at the Ministry of Finance who asked for Rp. 3.5 billion.

It seemed to him that even the young executor would be beyond repair and not given a chance so he was immediately fired.

“If a young executor dares to do this, this kind of person will not be repaired for life. Fire wae (just fire it),” said the Indonesian Minister of Finance.

Moreover, lately the Ministry of Finance has been under a lot of scrutiny, so he is really determined to uphold a sense of justice.

“My point is, the system works, moves, and at the level where I have to make a decision, yes, we make a decision that is considered to represent the sense of justice that was sufficient earlier,” he said.

Firmly, Sri Mulyani stated that she would clean the Ministry of Finance of problematic officials.

“We will continue to clean the Ministry of Finance from corrupt and treacherous employees,” Sri Mulyani wrote in her Instagram upload.

In fact, in carrying out its mission to eradicate corruption in the Ministry of Finance, his party has also collaborated with all security forces.

Meanwhile, the Indonesian Minister of Finance also stated that he detected as many as 69 employees who had a high risk of having problems, after the viral case of Rafael Alun Trisambodo.

Sri Mulyani took steps to investigate all Ministry of Finance employees who were considered to have a high risk of committing an offence.

Sri Mulyani asked the Inspectorate General (Itjen) of the Ministry of Finance to continue to provide developments for the 69 employees.

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