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Appreciation of Government Maintaining Security in Papua Ahead of Regional Elections


By: Recky Rumbiak *)

The Regional Head Election (Pilkada) in Papua requires special attention, considering the various dynamics that are different compared to other regions in Indonesia. The situation in Papua, which is often marked by political and security tensions, has required the government to implement a special approach. Strengthening coordination, inter-agency collaboration, and cultural approaches have become important aspects of government policy to maintain security in Papua ahead of the Pilkada. This effort is not only for the success of the Pilkada event, but also for the creation of a harmonious atmosphere among the Papuan people.

The government has increased the presence of the TNI and Polri in Papua, especially in areas considered prone to conflict. This reinforcement is not only to deal with potential threats from armed groups, but also to build a sense of security for the Papuan people. In addition to patrols, security forces are also actively approaching local communities, instilling values ​​of peace, and encouraging active participation in maintaining order during the Pilkada.

One of the keys to success in maintaining security in Papua is intensive coordination with local governments, community leaders, and local religious leaders. This participatory approach allows the government to better understand field conditions and design security strategies that are appropriate to the situation and needs of the Papuan people. Local leaders have a big influence in building public awareness to help maintain order during the Pilkada.

The government realizes that maintaining security in Papua does not only require a military approach or law enforcement, but must also be balanced with socio-economic and cultural empowerment. Various economic development, education, and community welfare programs have been intensified in Papua. This program is believed to be able to reduce the potential for conflict, because the community feels more cared for and has hope for a better life. Thus, the success of the implementation of the Pilkada is also closely related to how the government pays attention to the socio-economic conditions of the Papuan community. The government also needs to touch on the cultural side so that the entire community has a complete sense of Indonesianness. The cultural approach is a symbol of respect and appreciation for the identity of the Papuan community. Therefore, optimizing culture as a means of communication in developing Papua is an absolute must.

Liaison Officer (LO) of Papua Mountains Regional Police, Senior Commissioner Pol Andi Yoseph Enock, SIK visited Tolikara Police ahead of the 2024 Pilkada. This visit was in order to create a safe and conducive situation and public order situation for the 2024 Pilkada. Andi hopes that all processes of the 2024 Pilkada can run smoothly, especially in the Papua Mountains region which is known to be a very vulnerable area.

The security approach implemented in Papua this time emphasizes the humanist aspect, where the TNI and Polri are instructed to prioritize peaceful and persuasive methods in every interaction with the community. The government hopes that with a more humanist approach, the Papuan people will feel more comfortable and safe and reduce the possibility of conflict. In addition, this approach is also expected to create a better relationship between the community and the security forces.

Miss Indonesia from Papua 2023, Yunita H. Monim said she appreciated the performance of the Papua Police who are always at the forefront of maintaining security in Papua, especially ahead of the implementation of the democratic party on November 27, 2024. According to Yunita, this cannot be separated from the role of the community in maintaining a safe situation, in order to realize peace in the midst of living together.

In addition to the government and security forces, the active role of the Papuan people is very important in maintaining stability ahead of the Pilkada. The government encourages the Papuan people not to be provoked by issues that could trigger conflict, such as ethnicity, religion, and race. The government has also collaborated with various non-governmental organizations to hold socialization programs, which aim to provide an understanding to the community about the importance of maintaining peace during the Pilkada.

Papuan religious and traditional figures have a very strategic role in inviting the community to participate in maintaining security. They are respected and have great influence in the community, so their presence is very important in conveying messages of peace and harmony. The government appreciates the contribution of religious and traditional figures in maintaining stability in Papua and in helping to resolve various problems peacefully.

The Chairman of the Indonesian Mosque Council (DMI) of Jayapura Regency for the 2024-2029 period, Sakaruddin in Sentani said that in facing the Pilkada on November 27, 2024, Muslims must always maintain security, public order (Kamtibmas) and ukhuwah or brotherhood. According to Sakaruddin, in addition to maintaining security and ukhuwah, Muslims are expected to exercise their voting rights in the upcoming voting and not be white groups (golput).

Sakaruddin added that the people of Jayapura Regency, especially Muslims, should not be provoked by hoax or false issues that can divide unity and togetherness. According to him, differences are common, but do not let these differences cause unity, togetherness and brotherhood among Muslims or other people to be divided.

With the ongoing socialization, the government hopes that the Papuan people will have a collective awareness to maintain peace. Strengthening this awareness is done through a participatory approach, where the community is given an understanding of the positive impacts of a safe and peaceful Pilkada on development in Papua. This collective awareness will be a strong foundation in maintaining security during the Pilkada.

)* The author is the Editor of the West Papua Youth Association Media

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