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Appreciation of the Role of the Press in Increasing Voter Participation in Regional Elections


By: Mohammad Jasin)*

Regional Head Elections (Pilkada) are an important momentum in the life of democracy in Indonesia. In the election process, the role of the press is one of the key factors that can increase public participation as voters. As an institution that has the power to influence public opinion, the mass media has a great responsibility in educating and providing accurate and quality information to the public. With the right approach, the press can encourage the public to be more active in participating in the regional elections.

Madiun City KPU Commissioner for the Social, Education, and Community Service and Human Resources Division, Fiikrisna Setiawan, said that the mass media or press has a very important role in organizing elections, as well as in increasing voter participation in the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Elections. Not only as a channel of information, but the media can also be an agent of change that motivates the public to actively use their voting rights.

The importance of mass media in the regional elections is also seen in its ability to educate voters. Smart voters are voters who fully understand who they are voting for, what the vision and mission of their prospective leaders are, and how the election process takes place. The media plays a role not only as a transmitter of information, but also as a liaison between election organizers, prospective leaders, and the community. 

Meanwhile, Political Observer, Taufik Tumbelaka said the role of the press as a guardian of democratic sanity is greatly needed in the momentum of the Regional Head Elections (Pemilukada) which will be held simultaneously on November 27, 2024. As part of the trias politica which includes the executive, legislative, and judiciary, the press has a very crucial role in ensuring that the democratic process runs well, safely, peacefully, and fairly. This role is increasingly important amidst increasingly complex political dynamics and new challenges faced by the Indonesian people.

Tumbelaka said that the press, as part of the “four estates”, fills the empty space in the trias politica, and this is very relevant in the context of the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Elections. In the regional head election process, the press not only functions as a news media, but also as a driver of public participation, a source of political education, and a guardian of election integrity. By providing accurate and balanced information, the press can enrich voters’ understanding of the candidates competing, as well as issues that are relevant to the community. This is an important step to ensure that the 2024 Regional Elections are not only an arena for the struggle for power, but also a democratic process that allows the people to choose leaders who truly represent their interests.

One way that the media can increase voter participation is by providing sufficient space for the socialization of the vision, mission, and programs of the candidates. In this way, voters can get to know the candidates who will lead their regions better. Through various forms of reporting, such as interviews, public debates, or educational discussions, the media can help the public make wiser decisions when choosing regional leaders. The diversity of forms of information presentation also allows every segment of society to more easily access the information, from young to older.

The Independent Election Commission (KIP) of Southwest Aceh (Abdya) Regency invited the media to help socialize the importance of using voting rights to the public in the simultaneous Pilkada on November 27, 2024. Head of the Division of Socialization, Voter Education, Parmas, and HR of the Abdya KIP, Tgk. Sayuti said that he conveyed the importance of the role of the media in increasing public participation.

In addition, the press can play a role in building public political awareness, considering that the level of voter participation in regional elections is often influenced by their understanding of the importance of voting. The media can promote campaigns that inspire voters to exercise their right to vote. In this case, the media does not only report, but also builds a positive political climate by emphasizing the importance of each individual’s voice in determining the direction of regional policy.

The role of the press is also very important in ensuring that the regional election process is fair and transparent. The media has a function as a supervisor that can reveal fraudulent practices or abuse of authority that can damage the integrity of the regional election. With objective reports based on valid data, the press helps maintain the accountability of election organizers and encourages voters to vote with more confidence. Public trust in the democratic process will depend greatly on how the media conveys honest and balanced information.

However, the challenges faced by the media in carrying out this role are not easy. In the fast-paced digital era, the media must be able to compete with information that is widely spread on the internet. Therefore, the press must utilize various digital platforms to reach a wider audience and optimize the dissemination of correct information. 

In conclusion, the press has a strategic role in increasing voter participation in regional elections. By providing clear, accurate, and educational information, the media not only helps the public in making choices, but also strengthens the quality of democracy itself. In this context, appreciation of the role of the press not only benefits regional election organizers, but also increases public political participation which will ultimately strengthen democratic life in Indonesia.

)* The author is a political observer – Indonesia Merdeka

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