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As Party Chairman, Prabowo Has the Right to Support Regional Head Candidates


akarta – In addition to being President, Prabowo is the General Chairman of the Great Indonesia Movement Party (Gerindra). So as the General Chairman of the Party, Prabowo has the right to support regional head candidates supported by his party.

Head of the Presidential Communications Office, Hasan Nasbi stated Prabowo’s invitation to support the candidate pair for Governor and Deputy Governor of Central Java, Ahmad Lutfhfi and Taj Yasin in his capacity as General Chair of the Gerindra Party.

“Prabowo’s invitation to support the candidate pair for Governor and Deputy Governor of Central Java number 2, Ahmad Lutfhi and Taj Yasin, was conveyed in his capacity as General Chair of the Gerindra Party,” said Hasan.

Hasan continued, there is no rule prohibiting a President from endorsing a particular candidate.

“There is no rule that prohibits Mr. Prabowo from endorsing a candidate,” said Hasan.

Meanwhile, Al Azhar University Indonesia academic, Ujang Komarudin said, Prabowo’s video support for Ahmad Lutfhi was not an intervention and did not conflict with the law.

“The video of support delivered by Prabowo is not an intervention or political interference, and does not conflict with the law. The support delivered by Prabowo as the General Chair of the Gerindra Party that supports Ahmad Lutfhi in the Central Java Pilkada,” said Ujang.

Ujang views that Prabowo’s video of support for the Central Java gubernatorial candidates also does not contradict what has been conveyed so far.

“Making a socialization video for Ahmad Luthfi does not contradict Prabowo’s statement. What is contradictory is if there is intervention and interference. Differentiate between interference and making a video,” said Ujang.

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